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Bring back mob vote


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  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Some players act like this even with the mob vote. Part of the community becomes toxic due to it, as history has shown. I'd rather they just add those previously suggested mobs over time regardless.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    The community will be toxic and mad no matter what they do... But I don't think bringing back the mob vote is a good idea. Its WAY too polarizing, and actively pits the community against each other. There is no time more contentious within the community than the Mob Vote season.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I like the mob vote.
    It's a vote that allows us to shape the future of Minecraft.

    The real problem was the way the marketing team handled the situation. They didn't know how to deal with the toxic reaction from the community and take measures to redirect that energy.

    Fans felt that by voting, they were losing something forever, and Mojang never did anything to effectively correct that feeling.

    And in this case, words alone won't work. Action is needed.

    As a professor of advertising and marketing, my suggestion is that they pay attention to the creatures (and biomes) that lost the last votes.

    A "second chance vote", for example, would be a way to appease the "losers" from previous years and also show that they are paying attention to the community.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    We should DEFINETLY add some kind of vote. In previous years we had biome vote etc. I would really like some kind of community element to Minecraft Live, like a mob vote.