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Make Minecraft Experience: Villager Rescue Cape available for Java Version


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  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Agreed, the only mention of it being for Bedrock Edition is through an email. It states, "...cape that can be used to customize their in-game character in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition." Please allow Java players to also have this reward for attending this amazing event.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I agree, please add the experience cape to java edition too.

    Offering the cape for java edition would encourage more people to buy tickets for the event and make the extra effort and travel plans to come.

    Adding to java would also make people talk about the cape more, therefore generating more promotion for the event.
    This event is also particularly special, being the first large-scale Minecraft in-person event since Minecon in 2016. Let's celebrate this new era of Minecraft's history by adding the cape to both versions, so more people can enjoy the fun!
    In addition, almost every major cape introduced since the Migrator cape in 2021 has been added to both editions of the game. Adding the cape to java and bedrock too would only continue this trend and not be out of the ordinary. Dare I say, it may even be a bit odd and arbitrary for this cape to only be in one edition.

    Thank you for listening to our feedback!
  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Update: hello@minecraftexperience.com replied to an email stating they received confirmation from the studio that the cape will come to Java Edition, but no date has been confirmed.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    yes it makes no sence why it would only be on bedrock edition. especially since its for new and older minecrafters. most of the older Minecraft fans play on java.