Most or all people have watched atleast one Minecraft Trailer, and what's difrent with the Trailers is the Texture pack, everybody loves it and wants it, but the only option is the bare bones Texture pack, so maybe the team at Minecraft could have some people make a Texture Pack with the textures from the trailer and update it every time there is a new texture. Also, here are some plusses if Minecraft does this,
1. People that buy the game beacuse it looks good in the trailers will be happy that they can actually have a Minecraft that looks like what they thought it would.
2. Everybody will be happy, beacuse Everybody loves the looks of the trailer
3. Minecraft will get a lot of attention for adding a new Texture built in to the game after all this time which will probably pay back the money you have to use to pay someone to make the Texture pack.
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