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crafting recipe for Bundles


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  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Der Grund, warum sie diese Änderung vorgenommen haben, bestand darin, es zugänglicher zu machen, da Kaninchen nicht immer Haut geben und sie nicht in allen Biomen vorkommen. Vielleicht wäre es eine bessere Option, die Menge an Leder auf 3 statt 1 zu erhöhen

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Two things should be achieved; bundles should be easier to get early game and rabbit hide should have a viable use. If I can only have one, I wand bundles to be easier to get early game. But I think we can have both; have the rabbit hide version make multiple bundles per craft (3 or 4) or as was also suggested here, have the leather recipe take 3 leather and the rabbit recipe take 1 rabbit hide.

    Also, they can just make bundles availible from other places; make Leatherworker Villagers sell bundles or rabbit hide and add bundles to structure loot pools like trial chamber, shipwrecks, etc. so early players can just find a few in the world from exploring, regardless of biome.