Since the new snapshot in Minecraft deals with minecart changes, why not add minecart links via chains into the game to give real functionality to the furnace minecart? As someone who's been playing since infdev, I am aware that there is a rudimentary system of linking minecarts. But in order to do that, you must spend 1 coal to shunt the furnace minecart into the other minecarts and then use another coal to get it in the right direction. Another problem with these links is that it breaks so very easily. Any incline or decline, and those minecarts are breaking apart from each other real quickly. So why not link minecarts with chains, and have a more secure way of linking them?
Here's an example of how this could be practical: imagine a scenario. You have no intentions of beating the dragon, but you still want a large amount of freight from your farms to the village somewhat nearby. There is no large river between you and the village, but you want to sell all your carrots and sugar cane. Without links, you would have to transport them one chest at a time with expensive powered rails. This means you'd have to manually send it off one by one, keeping all the chest minecarts in your inventory, taking more trips to your farm's chest to fill up your chest minecarts. It would be more practical to set down all the chest minecarts, link them up to a furnace minecart, and transport them all at once. Thank you for your time and I hope you consider adding chain links to minecarts.
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