The recent experimental minecart features have me excited, because I love minecarts as a mode of transportation in the game. They're always going to be outclassed by ice boats and elytra unfortunately, but that doesn't mean we can't amp up the cool factor of them!
About two and a half years ago, I made a mod to improve minecarts. Some of the overlapping changes were making minecarts able to go faster and having the player camera rotate smoothly with the minecart. Seeing the additional movement changes, including the keeping of momentum in the air, makes me really happy because these were things I wanted to do but never had the time to figure out.
However the two changes I really want to suggest are:
1) Furnace minecarts travel at a much higher speed than minecarts do on powered rails (maybe 32 blocks per second?)
2) You can link minecarts together with chains to form trains, allowing multiple people to travel together easily, or allowing a player to ship a lot of resources along a rail line.
I can confidently say these are two very popular changes from the mod, especially the linking of minecarts. I'm not sure how often furnace minecarts are used in contraptions, so this could be a way to allow minecarts to travel faster - and therefore be used more in transit systems - without breaking existing contraptions; subsequently, it would potentially allow for new contraptions to be built or make current ones more efficient.
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