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Experimental Minecart Suggestions


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  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Oh this'd be cool! personally I think they also need to make it so you launch further cause right now it doesn't fit with how things usually act when launched, plus let us stack minecarts again, but yah trains + having really fast carts would be fun!

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Honestly I can't believe that linking minecarts together STILL ISN'T a thing in Minecraft. It's such a basic, simple concept, it should've been added a long time ago.

    It is annoying as F to make use of chest minecarts because they need so much more powered rails.

    I feel that when they added chains to the game, they completely missed a great opportunity to use this new item (chains) as the link between carts.

    The faster travel would be lower on my priority list (e.g. with powered rails and/or the use of furnace minecarts) but I definitely do see a huge benifit in that as well.