Of all the crocodilians, this is the most possible because he even participated in a Mob vote, they would be born in swamps and mangroves and would be neutral, they would not be very big like their real counterparts, they would attack small mobs like fish, frogs, chickens, rabbits and some others, by giving any meat to two alligators you will breed them, they laid eggs and these eggs can be destroyed by jumping on them or by zombies and skeletons, baby alligators would be easy prey for other mobs, by giving any kind of meat to a baby alligator you would win his friendship and he would fight for you, one of his attacks is to hold the mob with his mouth not letting him move allowing you to kill him, alligators would be enemies of guardians and drowned, eventually the alligator could leave one of your teeth fall out and with that tooth you could craft the trident, water arrows, a new trap block that would work with redstone, when using a brush on an alligator or breeding two of them you will gain its scales which can be used to make a new boot which will make you faster in the water, in the world creation messages it said "Chinese alligators are endangered, don't kill them"!
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