Firstly, thank you so much for updating wolves as much as you have!! I love that we've finally gotten wolf armor and breeds, and now it feels like the cat lovers and the dog lovers of the minecraft community can show their appreciation for their pets so much more!
Okay, with that out of the way, I've been thinking. And with the new wolf breeds especially, I came up with some lovely ideas for the wolves (these are quite a lot of ideas, so obviously some may seem better than others for your team). Honestly, I just appreciate you guys reading this though :]
- Sledding Dogs!
Works like the boats and kind of the dolphins. You can craft a sled and hook up to 3, 5, 7, or 9 dogs up to it with lead. I say those numbers cause you'd have dogs on the side and one in the lead, but I will say, 3 or 5 could be better for lag reasons. - Allow Dogs to sleep on beds with players
Like with cats, you can have your dog sleep on the bed with you. Though maybe to fix possible gameplay/lag issues, only standing dogs can sleep with you, and only the closest one to the bed. - Attack Mode, Hunt Mode, and Passive Mode
By right clicking your pup, you can set them in attack mode (normal wolf setting), Hunt mode (attacks only PASSIVE mobs, and ones that stay passive, like sheep, cows, pigs, chickens) and Passive Mode (doesn't attack anything, will not get killed by a hoard of zombies or skeletons)
And those are my three main ideas for wolves! I hope you will consider these, as it would make wolves even BETTER :]
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