The one thing in the world that brings constant joy and excitement to my autistic son is his involvement in the world of Minecraft, but currently this is also his greatest point of frustration. He loves earning the promotional capes that you offer from time to time, but often you require that he play in a public server for a period of time to qualify. As I am sure is the case with some of your employees, his form of autism keeps him from participating in any public spaces, including virtual online communities. So he is in a paralyzing quandary, wanting the cape that you offer but crippled by the thought of having to play in a group.
Can you please change your qualification requirements so that kids like him can earn the same beloved tokens such as promotional capes without having to be traumatized in the process? He feels so left out and helpless.
Thank you for listening. I'm sure that you want to make your Minecraft universe as inclusive as possible.
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