I've added features for Minecraft Live 1.22
Green light, torches, lanterns and campfire.
Diorite and granite bricks. -
Variations of iron blocks, such as those made of copper.
New Copper Features -
Copper organ, copper pipe, copper button, flat copper pressure, copper chest.
5 new mobs
Copper Golem, Iceologer, Great Hunger, Dragon, Illusionist. -
The new Java parity commands for Bedrock Edition
/attribute, /bossbar, /trigger, /worldborder, /debug. -
New Biomes
Birch Forest Update, Desert Biome Update. -
The New Blocks for 1.22
Easel, Sculk Jaw. -
New Items for 1.22
Canvas, Iceologer Totem, Flag.
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