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New Star System, Star Charts, and Constellation Navigation


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  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Personally, I think it's an interesting idea, but it belongs in a mod.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Great idea!


  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I personally think this system is something similar to this would be an amazing alternative to coordinates! Right now, the only really good way to mark a place is with coordinates or a map/lodestone. Coordinates mean you bring up this invasive debug menu that you can't rebind, and a map only works when you know the direction you're facing (more f3 screen). Plus, the whole nsew and chunk alignment are really unintuitive for new players. Fine, then let's just use lodestones. WRONG. A lodestone coats A NETHERITE INGOT. Most players would rather click a button to use f3. On top of all of that, both maps and lodestones are items, susceptible to being lost in lava or chests and take up valuable inventory space. This solution would be
    A. Universal (all players automatically have access to the same stars)
    B. Intuitive (following the stars is something we've been doing for all of history)
    C. Unobtrusive (doesn't cover your screen or take up inventory space)
    D. Immersive (it's not a debug menu and I don't have to worry about chunk alignment)

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Really cool idea

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    This is such a cool idea if this would be added we would just need ships to the sea

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    (Alexander499) That's nice, that would be an awesome update idea!

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    But what resource would be used with a map to make it?

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    the recipe for the star chart is something i hadn't really considered, locking it behind a cartographer would just make villagers Even More useful, i personally imagined them as being a darker color than maps so maybe it'd be a map and black dye? or maybe even a new use for coals (since you could be coating a map in coal and then scratching the constellations into it)? maybe this feature could have a more whimsical and magical side to it by allowing you to catch shooting stars and then use those for star charts?
    honestly there's so many options for how you could craft them there's almost no wrong answer