These are crafted using amethyst and repeaters. Mojang doesn't want to add timer blocks, so this can work instead.
Their settings are:
-Instantly convey redstone signal.
-Convey after 5 seconds according to normal tick rate.
-Convey after 10 seconds.
-Convey after 1 min.
-Convey after 1 Minecraft day.
These also have another setting lever:
-Balanced: Works like normal. Delay is applied to both conveying and ending a signal.
-On delay: Applies delay to conveying only. Ending a signal occurs instantly.
-Off delay: Applies delay to ending only. Conveying a signal occurs instantly.
They can be crafted into:
Timed clocks: These can be set to convey a signal when a specific time occurs. Useful for alarms, timed railways, etc.
Timed TNT: When lit, it counts down until it explodes. The countdown limit can only be set when unlit. It can be defused via shears.
Stopwatches: Can record time in both ticks and seconds. Use to start/ stop/ reset the timer. Work with Redstone.
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