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Keep old piston sounds BUT allow them to be 'silenced' using honeycombs!


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  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Perfeitamente, isso seria o ideal.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I am a fan of mechanical sounds and I absolutely adore the old piston sound. The new update would honestly ruin the feel you get hearing dozens of pistons fire up in a gigantic piston door etc

    And I just also thought that using wax to silence the pistons OR using the new sound on waxed pistons (because they sound kinda slippy ngl), this could be the solution!

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    The old sound made creations feel grand, big, awesome. Now they sound kinda underwhelming. Like the piston is nothing more then another door.

    I liked the old one better, I liked the feeling the old one gave better. The old one inspires me, tells me instantly what it does, it was perfect, or at least near enough for me to not know how to improve it. And at the end, those that want it changed, can always use a resourcepack.


    The honeycombs silencing would be cool too but, I like the sound.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I think this is a great idea. Like mumbo showed in his video on this topic, sometimes you want big clanky mechanical noises and other times you want the quite so you can do your own sound design