I feel like to make the mob vote better than the other times these three mobs should be the candidates; The Eagle, the Lion, and the Snail. The eagle spawns naturally in Forrest, and plains. If you tame it with berries it will sit on your shoulder and attack nearby mobs and even players if the get to close. I think Minecraft needs more birds so this would be cool if it gets added. They lion would spawn naturally in the savanna biome. They travel in packs with one male, one female, and 1-4 cubs. If you get too close or hit the cubs the male lion will attack you. If you hit female as well. If you shear the male lion’s mane you’ll get a lion mane and the entire pack will attack you, even the cubs. You can use the lion mane to make a mask that will make all hostile mobs afraid of you, but it limits your vision and can break just by wearing it. I think this would be cool because it would bring a purpose Togo to the savanna biome and be able to feel dominant to mobs. The snail will spawn in swamps, they will leave a slime trail behind them which you can use to make slime in a bucket, or the glue block. The slime in the bucket can be placed down like water but would flow slower and if you go in it, you’ll have some difficulty getting out. Same with the glue block, if you step on it you’ll get slowed down and if you stay on it for too long you’ll get stuck completely and have to break the block. I think this would be cool because it can be used for many fun traps.
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