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Add a full hardcore set of achievements


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    Registered User commented
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    Here are some achievements that could be made harder for hardcore:

    • Taking Inventory: Open your inventory and a chest inventory within 5 seconds of each other.
    • Getting Wood: Pick up all the Overworld and the Nether wood tree types from the ground. Note that all of the wood types do not have to be in the inventory at the same time, but must be picked up at least once.
    • Benchmarking: Craft a crafting table using a crafting table. Note that you need to use a crafting table to craft a crafting table for this achievement, and the result item need to be picked up from a crafting table output.
    • Time To Mine: Make a wooden pickaxe and a gold pickaxe using a crafting table. Both pickaxes need to be picked up from a crafting table output at least once.
    • Hot Topic: Make all three furnace types in a crafting table. All three furnace types need to be picked up from a crafting table output at least once.
    • Acquire Hardware: Smelt 9 iron ingots. The iron ingots need to be picked up from a furnace output at least 9 times. A stack of 9 iron ingots picked up from a furnace output will count, it won’t work with hoppers.
    • Time to Farm! Make hoes of two different types when crafting them using a crafting table. The two hoes cannot be of the same type for this achievement and both hoes need to be picked up from a crafting table output.