Many people already get a liminal feeling from Minecraft. From being the only one in a server after all your friends logged off or standing in a city you built in singleplayer. Why not add a structure to cope with the liminality. The structure is an empty barren maze like structure that the player has a random chance of entering. There is a 1/50 chance they enter if they dig too deep and a 1/20 chance they enter if they suffocate in gravel or sand. The structures appearance are multiple empty rooms and halls with glow stone lighting. There are a couple of rooms that the player can explore.
1.dark rooms: the dark rooms are rooms that have no lighting and upon entering will affect the player will blindness until they exit the dark room rooms: red rooms are well red rooms that mostly have a trapped chest in the middle of the room. Opening the chest will trigger a redstone signal that shoots a poison arrow
3.destroyed rooms: Simple rooms that are destroyed. Example: the walls are tattered or blocks are missing, random blocks or objects are strewn around the room etc.
Some rooms in the liminal maze structure will sometimes have random builds or chest with nothing in them. The rooms in the liminal maze structure are randomly generated which means the rooms structures layout can be different throughout different worlds. To exit the liminal maze players must wonder through the structure looking for a red room with a normal chest.
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