If you want to propose a change to an existing structure (like villages), or add something brand new in a current dimension or biome, this is the place.


Rascal Villages


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    Another thought I had that I couldn’t fit in this post are Rascal Explorers. The Rascal Explorer is the same Rascal introduced during the 2022 mob vote. The only addition to the Rascal Explorer is, when they are in the Rascal village, they can’t be interacted with by the player. However, they can interact with Rascal villagers. When a Rascal runs out of items, they go to a Rascal Explorer and trade with it. Rascal Explorers are sort of like the equivalent of Villager Job Site Blocks. Regardless of the item the Rascal offered previously, they buy any item that is either more or less valuable than the one they sold to the player before.
    I hope this idea makes sense. Please vote for it if you like it