These villages are the home of the Rascal. They can be found in every cave biome including the Deep Dark under Y -10. Each house can fit at least one Rascal inside. Some of these houses can have two floors. They are all big enough for a player to fit inside. Each house would be made out of a certain material depending on the cave biome. Lush Cave Rascal dwellings would be made of Moss blocks, Dripstone dwellings made of Dripstone blocks, Deep Dark dwellings made of Sculk and normal cave Rascal dwellings made of Deepslate blocks. Rascal appearances also depend on the biome. For example, Lush Cave Rascals are covered in Moss. Once you find the Rascal village for the first time, it will appear deserted. This is because the Rascals are all hiding in different areas of the village. Once you find them all, the last Rascal you find will give you a reward. You can trade with Rascals. They can offer items useful for cave exploration from Wool and Moss blocks to tools with enchantments including Silk Touch on them. Deep Dark Rascals can offer Sculk related blocks and a map leading to the nearest Ancient City. Rascals eat Glowberries and can often be seen with bone meal in their hand and farming it. There will always be a Glowberry farm no matter what biome the village is in. The Warden does not attack Rascals and does not get summoned if a Rascal makes noise
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