We have the cloudy climb, luminous night, and fauna faire. Introducing, the Mysterious Mines. Players could unlock skins such as the miner, explorer, and many others. There could also be emotes such as, where the player takes out an iron pickaxe and starts mining and its called Mining, one where the player is standing in a pile of diamonds and throwing some in the air and its named Diamonds For All! Another which is where the player pushes down on an explosive box attached to a fuse and in the background there is an explosion. And also one where you are holding out a torch and looking side to side and its named, Which way? There could be particle effects such as, a cobblestone explosion, and one where there are different ore particles around the player. Some pets could be, a baby TNT with little arms and legs, a worm with a little miners helmet, and a diamond ore block that follows you around. I hope you like these ideas!
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