In addition to the new mobile controls, there are many other problems in addition to design and gameplay. I discovered a bug with the new controls when using scaffolding. Players now have the option to customize where and how big the controls can be with the new update, but when going up, down, or even through scaffolding, it makes the jump button very small when going up, down, and through the scaffolding. Instead of the button size going back to how it was customized, it stays small and you have to go back to settings every time to change it back to preferences. There are also problems for the spacing of the dpad as there are spaces in between and make pvp and motion harder. Now I accidentally place blocks when using it and it just made my progress and hand memory useless. In addition, the new style/design of the dpad and touch controls are really just not appealing to the eye. They don't really match the vibe that minecraft has settled in and they are too bold, it doesn't look good especially with the now blocky arrows, the old version was much better. Please make this and option. An option to go back to the old controls. Your making a lot of players discouraged from playing the game. I can provide a video if asked about the scaffolding bug.
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