In the newest minecraft update the mobile community got a new version of the dpad. its buttons are more spaced out, the dpad is higher up, and the button “style” matches the rest of the control setups.
normally id be okay with this, if the buttons worked the exact same and just looked different (and i could change the dpad position), however none of this is true. the function of the buttons is different in such an inefficient way. if i’m running and then i shift my finger too low to jump, i stop moving. i can’t hit something while running without changing to a walking pace. pvp has practically become impossible.
no one, NO ONE asked for this change. the dpad was PERFECTLY FINE before. at the very least, please add the old dpad as an option. almost everyone is upset about this.
i’m not going to be playing minecraft until this gets fixed. i’ve been playing for 6 years and now all of my skill has went down the drain.
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