short version - about a year ago in 1.19.60/70 Mojang quietly added a ticking area to permanently load an area the equivalent to java spawn chunks, but only in the end. This area was large 21 chunks by 21 chunks, from -160x -160z to 176x 176z or a square 336 blocks x 336 blocks.
And anything you put there would stay loaded, crop farm, wool farms, kelp, villager trade halls, wither cages, mob switches ect. And you could connect all these farms however spread apart you wanted because they'd all stay loaded. For the most part they weren't laggy and really helped lower end devices because the processing power was based off the realm or server.
In the blink eye, last night, the 1.20.70 update dropped. And it completely removed this feature stating in the patch notes "on realms, chunks will no longer stay loaded in the end unless a player is in the area"
I want to clarify, Mojang never called it a bug in the patch notes. It was something they added and a year later took away of their own volition.
I'm here asking you to please reconsider, I believe that it was an interesting addition to the game and that was very helpful
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