Any copper, gold or iron block, like chains or copper grates would conduct redstone power, as they are conductive in real life. The more oxidized copper is, the less conductive it is. If redstone power is transmitted into any of these blocks, they will glow red and have electricity all over as a moving texture. The redstone signal would go through these blocks and could go up, down, sideways or really anywhere. If any redstone powered blocks are placed next to these blocks, they are powered. If deactivated redstone dust is placed next to it, it would be activated. If there is to many active redstone powering the copper, gold, or iron near the conductive materials, the conductive materials would overload and short out. Making them no longer usable. Waxed copper does not effect the conductivity of the copper. This would also add copper dust, it would act like redstone dust but could be crafted with redstone dust and slimeballs to make a more powerful dust that can last longer without signal strength decay. It could be added with redstone dust to make a mixed dust system that acts the same.
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