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Let's talk about Wind Charges!



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  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I noticed that the hitboxes are really big and get in the way of placing blocks I had a difficult time opening a dispensor that had lots of wind charges so that could be toned down a bit.

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    I love the new item, and it's great for parkour. But can the texture change because right now it looks like a clay ball when held in the hand. Also, it'd be nice if it did a bit more damage, as with my testing it took 10 charges with direct hits to kill it


  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    Amazing Item with versatile uses!

    the only issue i have is that you need to aim it perfectly at the feet of mobs to knock them high enough so they take fall damage, which does not help the fact that it only deals 1 damage

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    It would be good if there was some visual or auditory feedback for when the wind charge fall damage immunity is active. I love the fact that the immunity exists, it makes the wind charges fun and stops you from having to worry about taking fall damage when you use them. However, the "only applies immunity above the initial y level" rule seems unclear in game. 

  • 66
    Registered User commented
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    Fireballs must also be thrown

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I think the projectiles should be slower; currently they fly way faster than a player can feasibly fall. If the speed were timed such that one could synchronize firing them so multiple hit at the same time, this would give more interesting opportunities for mobility.

    That, and their current speed (and radius) makes it hard to use it as a way to avoid fall damage. I imagine players will want to use this for trick moves (see Team Fortress 2's rocket jumping) more than just merely hopping up a cliff.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I just used the new added item, and I come to give my opinion

    Combat: I do not recommend using it. I had to use 20 to kill a Villager. To push, the Villager would not move about 5 blocks away. I imagine the item would only be interesting in a PVP situation where the enemy is shooting arrows, and you destabilize them.

    The item does not focus on its usefulness, but on quantity. You would easily fill 2 packs in your inventory, so you can use it in combat, if you are going to use it, as it does not deal damage.

    In the end, I think the usefulness of this item could be aimed at parkour, as it can be used to jump 4 blocks high. It would be interesting if you could use it to explode beneath you, in the air, to reach heights you couldn't reach before. With the projectile as a launch, it would not be possible to do this, as you are thrown upwards, fall, and only then can you use it to rise again.

    I wonder, what would be the use of this item in combat?

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    Holy wow, rocket jumping is basically in Minecraft now, nice! I love it!

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I've been playing around with it, and I found it very difficult to be able to do a super high jump with it to get up to high places or leap long distances. The current implementation seems to require precise input from the player to press their Jump (space by default) and Use Item (right click by default) keys at the same exact time or else the player hardly receives any boost at all.

    This item seems to be inspired by Hypixel Bedwars' Fireball item, and there, it is very simple to jump very high/far distances by just jumping and then using the item while looking straight down. I know that it's a very different system they're using in comparison to the wind charge here since it seems to be based on explosion knockback, but perhaps the wind charge could use a similar system for how it propels the player. 

    TLDR; The current implementation of the wind charge makes it too difficult for the player to consistently launch themselves high up into the air or across long distances from my playtesting, and in my opinion, such an item should not need precise input to get the player where they want to go.  

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    This is cool, it would be really useful in the end. Breezes should spawn naturally in mountain peak biomes.

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    I think it would be interesting if the Wind charge pushes a TNT with more force, in order to throw it away

  • 28
    Registered User commented
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    A couple of thoughts:

    1. Currently, wind charges pop when they hit any block, solid or not. I'm not sure if this is intentional, but it does make them difficult to weaponize on natural terrain when you miss your target because you clipped some tall grass by mistake. And with breezes being as rare as they currently are, accidentally wasting one of those things is pretty painful.

    2. Instead of splitting the weaker, player-thrown wind charge and the stronger, breeze-spawned wind charge into two separate entity IDs (minecraft:wind_charge and breeze_wind_charge), it would be a lot more helpful for mapmakers if the range and knockback strength were NBT flags in the entity data.

    3. I agree with the sentiment that if wind charges are throwable, fire charges should probably also be made throwable. Right now they're just sort of a worse flint and steel, and that's significantly less mechanically interesting than a long-ranged weaponized light source.

    4. Right now the sound effects seem very loud.

    But if you take away one thing from this, it should really be to ask yourself if this item's usefulness offsets its relative rarity. Breezes only spawn from trial spawners, and trial spawners have a 30 minute cooldown. A player might be disinclined to use a weapon that can easily miss and deals minimal damage if they can only get a few dozen of them per hour, especially when other items that produce similar-enough effects (punch bows, slow falling potions, ender pearls) can be more easily obtained.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I think the drops should slightly scale with the Looting enchantment.

    Maybe gives 1-2 wind charges less if you don't have Looting.

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    I would like it if they were craftable like fire charges. Maybe with a snowball, gunpowder and phantom membrane?

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    Loving this item. It would be super cool if you added a fan block that would be crafted with the Wind Charge and would push things like the wind in Minecraft Dungeons when powered. :)

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    Please just let us do some fluid rocket jump with these it would be sick

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    Maybe some type of boot enchantment for inceased air control? ^

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    If Fire Charges are changed to be throwable too, I think they should cost some health for balance, and they are burning hot after all.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    The damage should stay low as it is really easy to obtain. And the jump boosting requires about 15 mins of practice before you are godly at it, it is a fun feature keep up the good work!

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    the wind charge is so fun to use ! i like how close it is to tf2 rocket jumping (with needing to jump and trow a the same time to go higher), but i do have 2 things id like inproved :

    1 - it is so fun to use, it's a shame breezes drop so little of them, it could be a nice early game movement tool. So id say, easer make the breeze drop more of them (8 to 12 maybe ?), or, let us make some kind of tool or weapon that can throw many more charges, or, make it duplicable (maybe a wind charge and a phantom membrane in a crafting table gives us 4 charges ?)

    2 - its a great vertical movement tool, but it doesnt do anything horizontaly. Maybe the charge could work like rocket launchers from quake or tf2 ? where launching the charge slighty in front or behind us changes the angle at wich we are trown around. Letting us cross gaps, take up speed, jump from wall to wall or pogo on the ground while bulding momentum

  • 19
    Registered User commented
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    The Wind Charge should be able to put out fire

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    It would be great if wind charges could be loaded into multishot crossbows.  This would give players the ability to use the crossbow to control crowds of mobs with knockback and then switch to another projectile that does more damage.  It could also be used while riding animals/vehicles to cross small land or water barriers.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Wind charges and fire charges should be compatible with crossbows.  This would provide 2 new utilities for crossbows and allow for crossbow tweaking/tinkering which seems to go with the theme of the update.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I really like the wind charges (when used on oneself, to climb obstacles). The damage calculation is rather intuitive, the potential for saving oneself from fall damage is amazing, and traversing structures (Like the trial chambers) is really fun.

    The visuals are nice, though it is rather offputting that the damage-free projectile still causes entities to flash red as if they were damaged (this could cause issues with communicating how they interact with other entities).

    Jump-boosting is fun, and relatively intuitive, but I feel that the potential of wind charges is not used to it's fullest. In terms of vertical movement, being able to traverse walls of six blocks or higher without an elytra or building oneself up, it is extremely useful. But considering it's minimal impact on horizontal movement, that is really all it can be used for in traversing. Maybe wind charges thrown at walls could boost horizontally (alongside a small vertical boost to help traverse gaps)?

    It's nice that they are renewable, but it is rather tedious to acquire large amounts of them, and when used to traverse cliffs and mountains on a longer journey (or a cave system), they deplete rather quickly. Having to pass through multiple trial chambers repeatedly to get a steady supply is rather unfun. Potentially, trial spawners that summon breezes could have a large chance to dispense charges (replacing some of the other generic loot, not the trial keys).

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    - How do you find the damage and speed balancing on wind charges?
    I would prefer no damage as it would be more fun to send friends or mobs flying without running the risk of killing them. The speed is fine.
    - What do you think about the wind charge visuals?
    They are very good, the only thing I could say is that the sound has a metallic clang when it hits which sounds good in a Trial Chamber with the copper blocks, but it's strange in other contexts.
    - What are your thoughts on jump-boosting - is it fun? is it easy to use?
    It is a lot of fun! I spent several stacks just jumping trees and climbing mountains. I see myself using it both in survival to traverse terrain and in creative when parkouring my builds. You need a bit of practice to be able to make some good jumps, which is perfectly fine with me, but I wish it would push you up a lot more when you use it while flying with an elytra.

    Thanks for this new item!

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    The Breeze should be immune to wind charge like how the Blaze is immune to fire.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    The damage is decent for what it's worth, after all it's a traversal and support item first and weapon second (thats how i interpret it at least).

    I think the usage cool-down is in a perfect place, but that's not where the slight issues with the usability are.

    The visuals of the item could use some work, though the current texture is nowhere near bad. Perhaps making it more of a round shape overall, instead of it being slightly wider than it is tall.

    My main gripes are with the intense accuracy required to properly use it, especially for users who have lower end devices or sub-par reflexes. The following changes would allow for more options for all levels of skill. Firstly I'd enhance the horizontal knock-back to depend more on the momentum of the player and angle. Second of all, I'd make the range for the optimal angle for usage more lenient and not rely on overly precise measurements, where I've seen players use pixel measurements to reach the absolute pinnacles of 90/100 block high boosts. Third and lastly, I'd allow for some higher degree of stacking mid-air, but not making it too easy, the skill element should be factored in there while making the calculations.

    Overall a very unique and meta-changing item - I've played around with it already and I can't wait to incorporate it into my regular survival worlds and multiplayer servers. 8.5/10


  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    this seems like a really interesting change, and while i definetly wanna comment later about it mechanicly and combat wise, right now i wanna say how this now means that players have a legitimate reason to farm trial spawners, meaning that automated farms will absolutely exist.

    these could potentially lead to players taking over a trial chamber to build a farm which could really hurt the whole multiplayer experience improvement this is meant to be

    this entire thing could also just be a non issue but i do think its a important thing to be aware of that trial spawners now very well may be farmed for wind charges, whether auto or manual. imo i think the best solution for this would just be to move the wind charge into the vault loottable, making it a much more finite reward, and encouraging finding new chambers rather then just farming the existing on

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    Wind charges seem great! What if the breeze dropped breeze rods to keep in style as the blaze, and that crafted wing charges like how fire charges are made? Makes a lot more sense thematically, and allows future expanding on the breeze with its rod whereas with just dropping the charge you need to add another drop to ever expand on it.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    the ways you can parkour with this are amazing.

    you can climb over a 20-30 block wall if you time it right.

    you can jump to 11 blocks if my memory suits me correctly, (with just one charge!)

    you can "leapfrog" by using the elytra and throwing one right below you right before you touch the ground

    you can bounce over cobwebs/lava/campfires/etc, use mobs as platforms, and dodge enemies.

    sadly its very grindy to obtain.