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Let's talk about Vaults!



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  • 40
    Registered User commented
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    It would be great to be able to break the vaults once they have been opened by all players, this would give it more utility, it could be used as decoration or to store an item, as a more epic alternative to the itemframe.

    I think this would add more value to vaults in single player games by encouraging advanced players (who don't need more loot) not to forget about trial chambers once they have the best equipment in the game, without affecting the main function of vaults for multiplayer play.

    what do you think?

  • 38
    Registered User commented
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    It's good, but in singleplayer it's just another chest that requires a key. They should also have unique loot that can only be found inside vaults!!!

  • 32
    Registered User commented
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    it's a bit disappointing for me, because it's a bit frustrating when I find key 10 and can't use it anymore, so I'd like to use it in other ways, e.g.: it opens a secret room where the copper golem is located, but these golems have to be cleaned to bring them back to life.

  • 26
    Registered User commented
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    In my opinion, trial spawners and vaults belong in every "challenge" structure/dungeon.

    Minecraft, at its core, is a sandbox. For almost every challenge the game throws you, there's a way to still engage fully while not encountering penalties—an escape hatch. Torches are a simple example—mobs spawn in the dark, if you want some area to be safe, light it up. Some escape hatches are better than others (for instance, forcing players to sleep to avoid the phantom limits free play, in my opinion).

    Only in recent years have certain exceptions to this principle popped up, namely the Pillager outposts. Here is a structure on the surface that endlessly spawns hostile mobs—meaning the overworld, a place generally guaranteed to be safe except at night—is no longer. One expects hostility in the Nether, and even then, various hostile mobs can be placated (fungus scares hoglins, gold distracts piglins). On the surface, now, if you happen to find an awesome place to settle and its near an outpost, you can expect constant incursions. If the pillagers spawn from trial spawners in the outpost, it would let users who don't want the constant attacks to turn it off, and users who want to keep looting to do so too.

    Beyond vaults allowing for multiple elytra loot drops, why not enhance the replayability of the stronghold by adding both blocks? The stronghold is now less challenging than the trial chamber, and there could be loot there to help fight the dragon (within reason, e.g. jack-o-lanterns).

  • 21
    Registered User commented
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    I like them but I think it can be improved, everything will depend on the loot that they will have in the final version, and I hope they are not end city chests 2.0

    something important is that when you open a vault it has a smoke particle, if i didn't know how they work i would think that the loot will be generated again after a while, like the trial spawners. I think that this smoke particle should be removed when all players open it.

    and I know the current loot is a place holder, but please, stop with the horse armors and saddle .

  • 43
    Registered User commented
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    It is a missed opportunity to bring replay value to structures. Fixing looting issues on larger multiplayer servers is fine but it does literally nothing in singleplayer.

    Letting players open vaults repeatedly would make players come back time and time again when they feel like doing some trial chambers. If the loot table is good enough it would also be a nice way to renewably get different items through a combat challenge.

    TL:DR: Nice for multiplayer, loot chest with extra steps in singleplayer. Currently missed potential.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I think it would be great for dispensers to have another special interaction with a trial key and a vault,where if you put a trial key in a dispenser that is directly facing a vault's lock and activate it with redstone,the vault should open and give out the items.It's just a QOL addition.


  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    it's very dissapointing tbh as i am someone who plays solo almost always and i don't even play survival that much i would rather see features more for solo and or creative mode players.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    it's very dissapointing tbh as i am someone who plays solo almost always and i don't even play survival that much i would rather see features more for solo and or creative mode players.

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    the vault texture is so similar with the trial spawner it's very challenging when skeletons attack but you can't find vault, i think need to add different texture for vault

  • 31
    Registered User commented
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    The vaults should have a cooldown before being usable again by the same player. In single player, one will eventually run out of vaults to open and the keys will become pointless. Maybe thirty minutes before it starts giving lower quality items?

    The vaults should be used to solve the elytra and Netherite problems encountered in multiplayer. Putting a single-use vault with an elytra in the end ships, and for Netherite upgrades in bastions, would allow additional players to have access to structural loot even after it has been taken.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I really like the vault! It looks cool, sounds cool, and feels really rewarding to find and loot. It’s also nice that it replaces most of the chests in the trial chambers now.
    To answer the questions:
    1) Yes, as the trial key IS called a key and has the same skull design that matches the vault. And even if you don’t know what the trial key is for, you’ll most likely use it on the vault after process of elimination.
    2) This is a really neat way of giving the player an idea of what they could be rewarded from the vault. I like it.
    3) Absolutely
    4) Haven’t played with it in multiplayer. It usually gives a good amount of items for a single person from what I could see, so I imagine it would give everyone a good amount of loot.
    4) Haven’t tried this.
    5) The sound design of the vault is awesome. I think it’s relatively intuitive what the vault is doing by listening to it.

    Hope this helps, Devs!

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    Its a great concept, I think that to really make it shine it needs a) vault exclusive items, maybe unique enchanted books, a new artifact weapon ala the trident, a new ingot used for unique decorative blocks, and b) the trial keys need a use beyond unlocking vaults. perhaps wandering traders can buy them?

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    - They key is obvious, but the vault blocks themselves arent, the texture is too similar.

    - Its very neat that you can see the loot inside, very nice touch!

    - It does, but obviously it needs unique loot so theres purpose to conquering a trial chamber

    - I tested alone.

    - It should in theory

    - Sound design is great, just as the new blocks in the recent update, sound for the blocks are neat.

    Now here's my  take. simplest solution is, make the vault drop a lot of xp after using the keys on it again so it becomes a reliable source of xp farm. Second, give it a unique loot that has depth and purpose outside of the trial chambers. Preferably something related to combat. You guys should give the trial chambers multiple unique loots, maybe an item that can be combined with echo shards or amethyst shard or glow berries that gives benefit in combat. Lastly, this new item which allows you to dash at the direction youre moving with the joystick/wasd that has a 0.5 second cooldown, while keeping the sound design and visual standards. As well as, adding more mob variations, as simple as giving the mobs weapon and armour and effect buffs. 

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    Vaults are a nice way to help players who join servers after years it has opened to still find loot, and it will resolve lots of problems. I can tell lots of nice stuff about the vaults, but then my feedback would be useless. I just want to address some of the issues that I found while playing. First of all, other players can easily "steal" your loot from the vaults while they're being dispensed out. This has happened while I first tested it out with a group of friends, in our first vault block. I don't have much to say about the current situation about the vault, mainly because it doesn't change much and I like it this way, but I can suggest you stuff about the future of the vaults. I think the vault SHOULDN'T spawn in other structures, (except two that I'll be talking about in a moment) because it would overcomplicate getting loot, and I think it is nice as it is, other structures do not need an overhaul about loot gathering. The only two exceptions (other than trial chamber, of course) are:

    -End city.


    Well, I think there should be just one vault in bastions that contains a few netherite upgrades, so all the players can get netherite upgrades fairly in a server, and not just a few players will be OP. Also, end cities can have them because lets face it, even if you aren't a good player you can get an elytra in day 10.

    -Extra: Ancient cities are too easy I can loot one without even iron armor add extra dangers there and some combatable mobs because it is combat update .

  • 17
    Registered User commented
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    Love em, just to recommendations,
    -Make them eject way more items, not better loot but more, to pair up with chest loot, or eliminate bad items from their loot table that aren't that much of a problem in chests but yes in vaults were they eliminate a space for a good item
    -Make them re-opnable so they feel more original than chests in single player worlds, once a vaul is opened for the first time after a while (10-20 mins) it will turn on again but instead of having orange colors, it will have blue or green ones (resambling oxidized copper) "oxidized" vaults can be opened multiple times but will eject worse loot, like minerals or iron stuff, mainly so keys dont remain useless since trial chambers are meant to be repeatable, this way players would still have a incentive to go to other trials with way better loot but still have a slightly rewarding adventure in their favorite trials

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Worthless item for single player

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    For single player, it's a chest for one time use without the option to store stuff.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    The item shouldnt be useless for most of the players (aka single player). Turn it into some kind ender chest, where the loot is only generated the first time a player opens it. After that, it remains a chest with the same properties as a regular chest for that specific player: you can store stuff, but when you destroy it, the stored items drop. This would at least allow the storage of other garbage that's filling up your inventory. With all the other features of the vault

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    it would be great if the wandering trader could buy you trials keys, so they have a use when you don't want to go to the chambers anymore.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I like the block a lot but since I mostly play multiplayer it would give no extra benefit to me so I would really love if some ideas from other comments were also added. Specially since minecraft usually has multiple uses for each block allowing us to be more creative about how to use those blocks. Some interesting ideas I have seen are making it able to be re-used by the same player after a while, encouraging replayability of the trial chambers; another idea is to be able to get it as a block for displaying items in your base, kind of like an item frame. I am sure that there are many more things that can fit really well with this block but adding extra features specially for singleplayer would be great!

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Why taking the detour via the vault where the trial spawner exactly solves this server problem. If you want to grant one time special items: just make the trial spawner spit out such item once per player

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    For multi player, it's a great item. But I do not like items or changes in general that only benefit a certain type of player.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Sounds like someone wants to make players play on servers aka realms that cost money

  • 16
    Registered User commented
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    The loot right now seems fair from what I have tested, although I can see some changes in the future, knowing this is placeholder loot, so, I'm gonna give some items that I think should be in the vault loot table, with the purpose of attracting players to come and find this structure:

    • A new armor trim:

      There is always more room for customization in Minecraft and what better place to have the new trim than the Trial Chambers, it can be called the Overcomer or Challenger Trim, the tuff brick being the block used for the duplication recipe.
    • A new music disc:

      Following the trend, where we get a new disc every major update, Pigstep (Nether update), Otherside (Caves & Cliffs), Disc5 (Wild Update), Relic (Tales and Trails), I think it would be best to find the new disc in this structure.
    • The Boss trial key:

      Unlike the other 2 items that u can get and leave with no reason to return or find a new Chamber, I propose  that we have it so that one of the loot is a Boss Trial key, that can be used in a specific room which contains a Boss Trial spawner that only activates once it is right clicked with a boss key, this room can either be found in every or some Chamber, the spawner does have a cooldown after the boss is dead and it can't be reactivated during the battle. Also, the Boss key can be duplicated just like armor trims, although the recipe should be different than the trims, the recipe would contain a normal trial key, giving it a new use.
  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    The sounds are really cool and i really love the opening mouth, it reminds me of the moving status from the movie Kirikou. But texture-wise, it's too similar to the spawner : idk if it's because i'm dyslexic, but i struggle to distinguish them while in-game/in-combat, it just looks like there is two times as many spawners if i dont look closely. Also, the face of the vault doesnt always face the obvious direction, wich hides it, and then makes the block look even more like a spawner.

    The game would really benefit from having vaults in every important structure (it also gives more value to the trial key), but the texture(again) of the vault seems made really specificly for the trial chamber, and would probably not fit well in other structure; so there is maybe need for a visual redesign ?

    Seeing the items inside is really cool but they are a bit hard to see, i suggest moving the gray/orange bar from the upper part of the vault to the bottom, since it's the part of the texture that hides the items the most.

    Finaly, the loot is ... meh, its technicly not tooo bad, but its very undesirable/boring, and there is maybe too much unstackable items. In general i feel like loot seems always more interesting when it gives you ingrediants for items more than the items themself, exemple from other structures : diamonds, good enchanted books, echo shards, disc fragments, netherite scrap/ingots, nautilus shells, smithing templates, ... etc; stuff like that should probably be the norm.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    1: I think that is pretty obvius but you could add like a keyhole to be even more obvius

    2:I think that looks sick when the ítems can be just look inside.

    3:Is more satisfying cause' of the challenge of getting a trial key versus just right-clicking

    4:I have no friends lol

    5:Same, but I think if someone really wants to steal he can just put in the block above, so thets a problem.

    6:Souns so good!

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    Hmm I see that vaults in other structures are suggested a lot. Maybe it’s a different block with a varying color scheme (ie the end city has purple) and possibly a different key with differing colors. I also dislike that it is a one-time use.

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    Looting it definitely felt satisfying, and I liked the sound design. (I tested solo)

    I did occassionally have brief confusion as to which blocks were the vaults (as opposed to spawners) and whether I had already looted them.

    I'm not sure if the key thing is intuitive. I can't comment on it much. I knew how its used from the patch notes. Also I feel like the keyhole might be just 1 pixel too big.

    I like the idea of stuff like Elytras being more accessible in multiplayer via Vaults, but I also worry if adding one to the Bastion that gave you the Netherite Upgrade would make it feel too "meta" and game-y like the Piglins were intentionally rewarding the player, instead of hiding a valuable object away into their guarded chests, but idk.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Disregard this if this isn’t something that’s planned but vaults and trial spawners don’t make a lot of sense in some of the games preexisting structures, (mineshafts, nether fortress, stronghold, end cities, dungeons). In these structures unlike trial chambers which have a respawning mechanic, these structures are essentially one and done and once cleared for the first time are either spawn proofed, or have no more mobs to threaten players… like end cities which don’t have the ability to respawn shulkers quickly (and shouldn’t).