I’m showing you three mobs to show brainstorming people who work at Minecraft Minecraft post in the comments to tell me what you think first mob the capybara a mob that if hit by a hostile mob it attacks it spawns in cancurary biome which I will post about after this for the 1.21 update the capybara can be tamed with water melon and if you feed it watermelon again it sheds and you get capybara fur which you can make a fur coat with that makes powder snow not affect you next is the antilope a mob that instead of walking it jumps it spawns in the desert you can ride him but it needs water make it stab a cactus so it to get water finally the bison a mob that spawns in the badlands it attacks without a warning you can ride it but it’s like your doing a rodeo so comments what would you vote for
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