These highly dangerous mobs look like black ghosts with red eyes, float .5 blocks above the ground, and can go invisible at will for up to 10 seconds. They have 20 health (40 hit points) and deal 3 health (6 hit points) when attacking. These mobs are also more intelligent than other mobs, if they are close to dying, they will turn invisible and flee. They also attack mobs and players with low health or armor. If you are hit by one you will be inflicted with a random debuff for 5 seconds.
Appearance: Looks like a 2-block tall black ghost with frayed robes and red eyes. It floats about .5 blocks above the ground and has a vanilla feel to it. ( The description isn't that good so feel free to add your own in the comments)
Stats: Has a lifeforce of 20 hearts and deals 3 hearts in damage.
Special Powers: Can regenerate its health over time if wounded, can turn invisible at will for up to 5 seconds, can float through blocks like a Vex, and inflicts a random debuff for 5 seconds if hit.
Intelligence: If wounded, it will go invisible and flee, and mostly attacks mobs and players that are at below 50% health. Can sense players from 50 blocks away and will not attack undead mobs.
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