I generally like the experimental trade rebalances of 1.20, as I do as well feel that the current mechanics of the librarian are overpowered. But as many players have already stated: just nerfing these mechanics without buffing one of the alternatives would just result in unacceptance towards these changes. Therefore I do want to share my idea for slightly buffing the enchantment table mechanics:
Introducing the ability to change the enchantment, that would currently be applied, for the current item, by paying a small amount of the items material.
For example: You want to enchant a diamond chestplate and the table is currently showing Fire Protection IV, which you don't actually want to be applied. Currently your only option is to enchant another item to change the possible enchantment for your chestplate. The suggested mechanic would allow you to change the enchantment by paying some diamonds (material item). To prevent abuse with less valuable materials this enchantment rotation would just affect the chestplate. The amount of material payed for this rotation could be another balancing factor. I would suggest that this rotation should cost only one material item, as for rather cheap items like swords, using this mechanic would quickly exeed the crafting costs and even for things like chestplates you would most likely pay 5-6 material items to get the enchantment you want.
Thanks for reading, I would like to hear your feedback to my suggestion.
Best regards
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