Your dedicated space for sending us feedback and suggestions for Update 1.21!


Let's talk about Trial Chambers and the Trial Spawner!



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  • 58
    Registered User commented
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    you should add the illusioner to the trial chambers he has been in the game since the horse update please don't leave this wonderful idea forgotten in the game files other than he is quite a challenge in my opinion more playful than the breeze he goes well with the combat and adventure proposal of the new update I ask you developers to think carefully

  • 17
    Registered User commented
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    I think the Trial Chambers give way too many free copper blocks which can also be turned back into ingots. Now people still don't mine copper ore or mine it even less because they can get way more of it much easier from the new structure. 

    And as copper gets more uses it becomes more op. It's just too fast and too easy.

  • 40
    Registered User commented
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    I think currently the trial chambers/spawners are a little bit too easy. Even with just Iron Armour and a shield, there isn't really any significant challenge to make it feel like a 'trial'.

    The breeze definitely helps! When it works it works - the breeze can turn a certain room into a very chaotic experience. I think more unique mobs or variations of mobs would definitely help, as they make the structure feel like something unique when compared to fighting mobs normally in a cave / at night.


    Even without the addition of completely new mobs, putting variations on old mobs could be a great idea. Maybe give armour and weapons to zombies/skeletons, utilise potion effects to make mobs faster/stronger/etc.

    Even something like spawning giant slimes (bigger than what could naturally be spawned) would be great!

    Even using lingering potions (a feature I think is pretty under-appreciated) could be a good way to create diversity and increase the difficulty of the physical structure itself.

    Overall I think the trial chamber itself looks and feels amazing, but currently there doesn't feel like theres any difference to fighting mobs normally.

  • 21
    Registered User commented
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    • If the trial chambers are supposed to be a challenge, their walls should be unbreakable, or take a long time to break, making the players prefer to enter by the front and avoiding us fleeing in the middle of fights. The copper is assumed to stay there, so there would be only a coat made with this block.
    • They should, in my opinion, be a progression to the objective, defined start and end, with some checkpoints in each room, having there the trial spawners. May we use that key to enter the next room?
    • It would be cool to see it having part of its structure on the surface, e.g. a dungeon entrance (I just saw a peek of something going this way on twitter, and it made me very hyped). It makes more sense than finding them randomly while mining, besides, we just have the deep dark’s ancient city that has got this aspect.
  • 29
    Registered User commented
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    Please add the copper and tuff golem to minecraft 1.21 since they fit in with the new copper and tuff blocks so you could add them to minecraft 1.21 and they could spawn in the new trial chambers.

  • 14
    Registered User commented
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    think there should be a mechanic where the player has stronger diamond or netherite armor and depending on the player's strength level, the trial spawner mobs should also be equipped with armor and weapons, whether enchanted or not

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    Chest that hold op loot should obe replaced by a new chest called the trial chest.

    The trial chest cannot be opened until you obtain a trial key. This basically makes you finish the trial spawner challenge in order to get the loot, so that you can't just open the chest and already have an advantage in the trial challenge.

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    In the trial chambers, there is a room that is full of water. What if, there was a well on the surface that leads allll the way down to that room

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    I hope this structure isn't easily countered by players in max enchanted diamond/netherite gear, and can give anyone of any progression a good challenge.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Their needs to be a way to locate the trial chambers in survival since it takes forever to find in survival. To find it you could us a new type of ender eye or a new compass or even you could build some type of portal the takes you to the trial chambers.

  • 16
    Registered User commented
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    Definitely add the illusionary to the trial chambers.

  • 18
    Registered User commented
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    Here are some suggestions:
    1. If you are an end game player, the trial chamber will be very easy, so how about the better armor & tools (enchants included) the harder it gets? for example mobs can spawn with enchanted armor & tools.
    2. Making it harder to avoid mobs, you could easy just climb up 2 blocks and kill mobs, I don't have any idea on how to prevent this, maybe make the breezes spawn naturally in the trial chambers.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    i would also really enjoy proper entry points regardless of some sort of mining fatique effect or unbreakable blocks

  • 18
    Registered User commented
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    The Poison arrow skeleton should be it’s own mob- maybe they don a ghillie suit made from moss blocks

  • 14
    Registered User commented
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    I think there should be flooded rooms with Guardian spawners inside; just an extra challenge

    Also maybe a dripstone pit is added below a trapdoor setup like we saw in  Minecraft live within a breeze room

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    The pots within the Trial chambers should occasionally generate with Breeze Sherds on them.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    The diamond blocks in loot chests is a bit OP

    The rooms with skeletons are a bit excessive with the arrows. maybe mix it up with some silverfish and mount the fewer skeletons on spiders instead of just 1 mob per room

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Make it Bigger, no wood or stone tools in the loot. add more variants of mobs. 

  • 16
    Registered User commented
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    Some intense battle music could be cool to add to the 'trial' feel of the chambers. Maybe this could start upon mobs spawning from the spawners

  • 17
    Registered User commented
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    Any chance of getting new armor trims in the trial chambers? Possibly one with the new tuff block patterns on the chest?

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    How about having the villagers trade a map with the location of Trial Chambers?

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    I find the Trial Chambers lack atmosphere, an easy way to rectify this would be unique music, like the Ancient Cities.

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    You shouldn't have to build to progress in certan parts. Parkor is fine though. Also, if possible, Please make them more hidden and have the entrance always connected to a cave. Also, When you are close enough to a trial chamber, you shouldn't be able to mine the walls, ceilings, and floors until you do something in the chamber. If its not possible to make the doors still breakable, then there should be another way to open the door, maybe if you right click on the chissled copper. Also, you should be able to buy a map that shows nearby trial chambers. 

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Maybe in stead of waxing all the copper you should just wax the copper that isn't fully oxidised yet.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I like the trial chambers, but I think they should be bigger (with more rooms, corridors and splitting paths) and harder with better loot. It would be cool for them to spawn zombies and husks with armour and weapons specific to each trial chamber. More traps would be nice, specially in corridors. I also think the vent mechanic should be used more. I think a trial armour trim is definitely needed! And pls add copper fences, pls!

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Spawn eggs should be a rare drop from their respective trial spawer, finally allowing us to get them in survival.

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    Trial chambers is the most anticipated feature for me, I like it so far! The poison skeletons are a nice challenge. The breakable pots with loot are a very nice addition, it feels like Zelda dungeons, and in the future pots should also be placed in other structures like jungle/ocean temples. You can add Sniffer eggs in them, as they're currently so rare that many casual players miss the mob entirely.

    I hope the Breeze will deal more damage on hard mode. Right now, the Breeze doesn't have any unique useful drops, and we haven't had mobs with cool drops since 1.13 drowned tridents. I'm worried how exciting new things tend to be watered-down by the devs for the sake of simplicity, as this is usually the trend lately. The spawner loot are unfortunately common items and decorative junk so far. We could add more interesting loot like lingering potions (which nobody uses as it's too hard to get) or copper golem parts to craft, which fits well with the copper dungeon and the tinkering theme. This will also ease the recent controversies, on how players are scared that losing mobs will permanently disappear, leading to so many fights every year. I hope the new armadillo armor will be useful and easy to farm, wolves need fire/fall resist and HP regen, as manually healing them is a chore.

    The unique loot needs to ideally create and affect gameplay, like grappling hook parts or jump boots from the Breeze. Maybe a wind staff? It's better than boring potatoes and glow berries.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    In addition to whatever is planned for the trial key we should be able to "unlock" trial spawners to convert to a regular spawner taking away its reward loot. Whether it would work in reverse and convert dungeon spawners to trial spawners or just be an "Unlocked Trial Spawner" should also be considered

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Trial chambers should spawn in and under bedrock. Not only would the use of the void prove a truly effective trap but also would prevent placing and breaking blocks on the lower levels creating an natural difficulty curve as you journey through. Right now my biggest flaw with the structure is with how common they are in the deepslate layer. If i am mining for ores at that level it is likely I will bump into one and prove incovenient with traditional mining setups.

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    If this is a combat update, now's a good time to make the useless enchants shine, like Bane of Arthropods & Piercing. Silverfish/Endermites on the trial chambers could help a bit, Cave Spiders should also drop cobweb to finally make it renewable. But an arthropod boss on the chambers (like a crab) will instantly make this update better, creating exciting content for multiplayer & youtube videos. They could be spawned with the new keys, and drop the extended-reach accessory, among other useful items like diamonds.

    On hard difficulty, trial mobs need to be buffed in singleplayer, as players who intentionally choose hard want a challenge. What about iron-armored zombies using shields? This'll make piercing crossbows finally useful! Difficulty should affect game mechanics & not just mob damage, like how Wardens in hard should spawn with only 2-3 shrieks, I never see them.

    I love the varying heights & copper grate parkour of the chambers, though these vanilla structures are often dull & ugly. Take inspiration from builders! If possible, increase the dungeon size, add foliage, cobwebs, water on the chambers to beautify it. I think the trial spawners need to be unbreakable, as multiplayer trolls can destroy these valuable blocks.

    In the future, they could add a late-game trial chamber in the nether/end, like a colosseum structure. It'll finally make Piglin Brutes a renewable battle, as they don't normally spawn. And I'd love more arthropod enemies like nether-scorpion bosses!