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Cherry Blossom Capes : Bring Back The Opportunity In The Next Mob Vote!


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    Registered User commented
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    I feel like instead it should be one per mob vote from here on out, such as that of a minecon cape (especially since minecon is no longer occurring, with minecraft live being a sort of replacement, which is still good despite my personal thoughts). And since there is presumably one per live, it would basically be the same thing. I personally missed an opportunity to go to the 2015 minecon, yet I appreciate the exclusivity of the cape despite hating the idea (at the time) of never being able to obtain it.

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    Registered User commented
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    Thats a great comment idea! However, the idea a new cape every minecraft live removes the possibility of getting the cherry blossom cape, which is the main idea of this post. Perhaps another opportunity besides minecon live would be a compromise for that?

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    Registered User commented
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    At least, I think that they can actually give a java cape to everyone who joined the mob vote server, because I joined one day later and didn't vote (only got bedrock cape), also because of school study is too busy... :/

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    Registered User commented
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    bro didnt have time to click 2 buttons lol