I believe that the Copper grate should have a mechanic where Water and Lava can flow through them, and where Items can pass straight through despite the fact that entities cannot. This was a feature that was nearly added to blocks that weren't full blocks in the Aquatic update like fences and signs but it was criticized due to how it would break existing builds, but given the grates are being introduced in this update, there are no existing builds with them yet so giving this block specifically that mechanic wouldn't disrupt anything. This could be used to have water or lava streams, and even bubble columns flow through a block that the player and other entities can't pass through, and could act as a solid floor that dropped items can fall through. I think this is a mechanic that it would be interesting to have in the game since it doesn't currently exist in any real form. It could probably see use in a lot of farms too, though as someone who doesn't build farms, i wouldn't know the exact applications for this idea, but i know this idea could greatly increase the usefulness of the grates block instantly beyond a simple transparent decorative block.
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