Your dedicated space for sending us feedback and suggestions for Update 1.21!


Let's talk about the Crafter!



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  • 38
    Registered User commented
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    I think crafter is perfect

  • 155
    Registered User commented
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    I feel like it would be better if there was a recipe book in the crafter that you can pick a recipe from and it would just only do the recipe you picked.

  • 61
    Registered User commented
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    Love this so much. Please consider allowing a continuous redstone pulse to constantly craft items so we can reduce lag from timers. I think that would be beneficial for large, complex setups.

  • 57
    Registered User commented
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    When all slots are filled at least by 2 items, the output signal should be 10

  • 107
    Registered User commented
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    Please make it so that you can lock in a recipe (via the recipe book or adding it manually) instead of having to create a complicated and weird redstone system to be able to do more complicated recipes

  • 30
    Registered User commented
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    • If you want to make the crafter easier to work with, you could go with the recipe book idea, or at least have it automatically perform the craft as soon as it's filled up.
    • Alternatively, if it allowed crafting manually, it could also serve as a shared crafting table, which might be quite fun in multiplayer sometimes.
  • 36
    Registered User commented
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    Make the craft more harder please, the Crafter is probably the ultimate redstone component and should be a bit more "challenging" to obtain (not too hard of course) comparator and observer have quartz on them craft for example, which can be considered by a higher price compared to others redstone components, Tiny suggestion (not maybe the best place idk) Add something related to the Archeology or the Trial Chambers, A "Ancient/Old Gear" made of copper, which can be duplicate with copper and something else like trims and netherite upgrade, the gear can be used to craft the Crafter next, the gear is like the center piece of the Crafter, it make the Crafter more interesting to obtain, make people want  visit the structure(s) (Archeology Site or Trial Chambers) and increase the value and interest of the copper which is pretty underrated (I like the decorative blocks, but I feel it should be a secondary materials like iron)


    (Sorry for my bad english ._.)

  • 35
    Registered User commented
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    Autocrafters in tandem with movable tile entities, a block placer, and a block breaker would greatly improve the tinkering capability of Minecraft.

    Block placers that can be moved on slimeblock machines could greatly reduce the number of "grindy" tasks. 

    Block breakers would allow for the removal of TNT dupers. Having a block breaker (with movable tile entities) would allow for the creation of quarries without the need for tnt dupers.

    I know when I originally suggested autocrafters on the Minecraft feedback site I was told it was too far from the core mechanics of Minecraft. They didn't want Minecraft to turn into Factorio. I think that these blocks would not do that, instead allow for a substantial amount of tinkering. The machine possibility are endless. It would give us late game players a lot more to do, it would provide a whole different path of gameplay.

  • 21
    Registered User commented
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    i think it would better if the crafting was with copper, to give more use to the copper

  • 22
    Registered User commented
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    I would prefer it if the crafter followed the same powering rules as droppers/dispensers. I noticed a crafter isn't getting powered in cases where a dropper/dispenser would. For example putting a 1-tick pulse into a hopper above a dropper/dispenser actuates that dropper/dispenser, but a crafter does not actuate. This reduces the redstone wiring configurations you can use with the crafter, making compact and/or tileable builds harder.

    Edited to add:

    • How do you feel about the comparator signal used for the Crafter?
      I think that the current system of 0-9 is suited for properly automating the crafter. I do notice that the comparator signal doesn't seem to update immediately in some cases after completing a craft, with the signal remaining at 9, even with only a single item in the crafter.
  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I think the crafter should be a game rule to enable or disable auto crafting. As in button pressing yes but not red stone clocks or anything.

  • 43
    Registered User commented
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    Could that be possible to add a locker option for Crafter? We know pattern required so much work, so why not add a lock option for slot who already have the normal and blocked slot? :

    - Normal | Base slot
    - Locked | Always have 1 item minimum in this slot
    - Blocked | Can't have any item in this slot

    Like that, Crafter are more viable and being accessible for everyone, even those who don't know much about the passage order of items.

  • 51
    Registered User commented
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    Please DO NOT make this work by picking a recipe out of a book, as some people suggest. That makes the Crafter way less powerful, flexible, and interesting. Being able to change the recipe with redstone is a fascinating challenge that should remain in the game.

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    Please make it so you can make the mouth of the crafter open even if there is nothing to craft. I get you need to communicate a "failed" state, but add the dispenser failed sound (or crafter failed) sound. 

  • 16
    Registered User commented
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    Quite surprised by the low cost of the recipe. It's a very powerful tool, allowing players to bypass a substantial aspect of the game. Comparing the cost of the Crafter to the cost of the Lodestone, a block with arguably way less value than the Crafter, it seems weird that it's this easy to obtain. Personally think it will lead people to be more creative with systems built around the Crafter if it was a much scarcer block. A redstone contraption designed around using a single Crafter, rather than it being used in large quantities.
    Not the one to want to push developers for a specific recipe change, but something in the ballpark of a single Netherite ingot would probably bring its cost a lot closer to the value it provides, and also putting it in more of the end stage of the game, rather than allowing people to access it without even having gathered a single diamond.

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    I would prefer if you could lock a slot for a single item to make it easier to craft observers and other difficult recipes or implement the recipe book where you can choose which item you want to be crafted.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    • How do you feel about the comparator signal used for the Crafter?

    Intuitive and well designed. Also like that it allows the crafter to be used as a comparator signal strength source instead of needing an inventory and a lot of items.

    • In general, how do you feel about the use of toggleable slots with the Crafter -  is it easy to understand how to toggle the slots?

    Fairly intuative.

    • What do you think of the Crafter visuals?

    I think that it should have more of a copper aesthetic (without the oxidation)

    • Is the visual feedback when the Crafter is powered and in use easy to understand? 

    Very clear as well as which direction is output, maybe needs an idicator on the "top" to show incase it's enclosed?

    • What do you think about not having the recipe book in the UI like with the crafting table?

    50/50 on it, would be nice for debugging issues when building.

    • What do you think about the recipe used to make the Crafter - is it well balanced? 

    Should use copper, but about the right level for it. This should not a pain to make.

    • Do you feel this block is accessible for non-technical players? If not, how would you improve that?

    I think there needs to be an in-world structure to demonstrate it, similar to ancient cities under the statue. To demonstrate both bulk crafting (say wheat -> block) and shaped (something setup to make an iron sword but missing one iron, with redstone/hoppers to add that missing iron?)

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I like the mechanics of the crafter. The concerns of clocks causing lag isn't a big deal because you can make a contraption that detects when the crafter is full which then powers it and reduces the items.

    Also I like the way that you don't need any player interaction with it at the moment (such as picking a recipe out of a crafting book) so that you can easily switch between recipes with a single crafter.

    The think that I don't like is that the crafting recipe is way too easy to make. In my opinion this should be a very late game mechanic, so it should require something like a netherite scrap or something of the like, or perhaps some new item found late game. Making it so easy to make kind of ruins the challenge of early game when it comes to crafting a lot of something at once, it definitely should take much more work to make one.

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    As a casual player who knows a little advanced redstone, the Crafter was fun for a moment before it got fustrating as soon as I tried to automate it. All my items keep falling out of it like trying to keep running water from falling between your fingers. It would be ideal if I could lock a recipe in there with some sort of 'lock' button, so that items could simply fall into place. And when a Crafter is fed into another one, it shouldn't spit out an item if there is no more space.

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    First impressions:

    • I think there should be a way for a comparator to detect whether or not the crafter currently contains a valid recipe - ie, whether it's ready to craft something. That information seems far more useful than the current information about how many slots are occupied, but you could offer best-of-both by giving a signal strength of 15 if there's a valid recipe, and the number of filled slots if not.
    • I think that trying to put an item into a crafter that can't fit should behave the same way as for other inventories - that is, it should fail, not drop the item into the world.
    • I think it's fine - a good thing, in fact - that there's no recipe book support in the base crafter block, but perhaps there could be a more advanced crafter that does support recipes - maybe by using the recipe book item that exists in the game but is currently unobtainable without commands. Or maybe the advanced version would let you lock each slot to a specific item rather than just being enabled/disabled.

    Edit to add: I saw another comment suggesting that you could lock a slot to always contain at least one item, and I think that's an excellent alternative to the ideas in my last bullet point - whether as part of the basic crafter or a more advanced version.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    I think The Crafter is the perfect opportunity to give diamonds another use. This is a convenient feature, and could be great for both late and post game. That said, convenient features like this should require players to get out of their comfort zones to obtain it if they really want it. Whether it's requiring you to go to a Trial Ruin for a unique item, or making you use a generous amount of diamonds, making this block hard to obtain will make it feel more rewarding, and hopefully remove the feeling of indestructible riches in the post game and keep the game fresh.

  • 26
    Registered User commented
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    The recipe cost should stay low so all players can play with this block. The idea of it requiring netherite is insane.

  • 17
    Registered User commented
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    Currently, when the crafter dispensers items into a chest, the first slot of the chest is always filled with the main output (e.g. the honey in the honey block recipe), and the second slot of the chest is always filled with the "leftovers" (e.g. the bottles in the honey block recipe). This predictability (always being able to know which slot will have the leftovers and which the main output) is great! This allows unstackable leftovers, such as the original book in the book duplication recipe, to be easily sorted out, making it essential for machines that have these. 

    Please keep it this way (predictable), and do not make it random. 

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    My only complaint with the crafter is that you cannot see which direction the crafter is facing from below, and the way you're supposed to know from the top (the grid) is counterintuitive. You'd think that the two red dots mark where the crafter is facing, but it's ultimately the contrary. I think a small arrow pointing the direction could fix this.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    The crafter visually looks great.

    I think there should be the possibility to "lock" the recipe the crafter is doing: this would avoid having a very complex circuit for making simple things such as a redstone torch, but it should also be possible to use it freely as for the current snapshot. A toggle could do the trick: if active, the recipe is locked, if not the recipe is free.

    I would make the recipe to make the crafter more complex: it would be better if it required at least some nether materials to work, so that it is not impossible but also not very easy to make it.

    I think the output should be how full the crafter is rather than how many blocks are selected, but the current behaviour can be interesting too for mechanisms such as secret passages :)

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    Very interesting idea, but very inconvenient that there is no way to lock a recipe. Would be a lot better if there was at least a button in the UI to do so. Also I wish they had some sort of cooldown, because being able to just spam the crafts feels unbalanced in a way.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    - How do you feel about the comparator signal used for the Crafter?
    It's a well designed system, however I think there should be more possible states. (Strength 10 if at least 2 items in each slot etc)

    - In general, how do you feel about the use of toggleable slots with the Crafter -  is it easy to understand how to toggle the slots?

    The system is good, but feels like a missed opportunity to not allow locking slots to a specific item.

    - What do you think of the Crafter visuals?

    They fit the minecraft artstyle.

    - Is the visual feedback when the Crafter is powered and in use easy to understand? 


    - What do you think about not having the recipe book in the UI like with the crafting table?

    It significantly increases the barrier of entry for non-technical players. Being able to lock in a recipe and simply pipe in items would greatly reduce complexity of extra redstone circuitry around the crafter.

    - What do you think about the recipe used to make the Crafter - is it well balanced? 

    No opinion.

    - Do you feel this block is accessible for non-technical players? If not, how would you improve that?

    Not being able to lock the crafter to a specific recipe makes it inaccessible for technical players, by requiring them to build circuits with timing and complexity way beyond what should be necessary to use such a block. I imagine a non-technical player simply wanting to place a few chests and hoppers around the crafter to automate something, which is unfeasible currently.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    Why can't players manually take the output out of the slot? One frustration I have with the crafting bench is that players cannot see what each other is doing on the crafting table, which makes learning recipes (especially ones not included in the Recipe Book) difficult.

    Since all players can view the crafting slots at the same time, I think this could potentially be a useful "crafting tutorial" for new players to watch and learn how items are created. It can also lead to more multiplayer fun as like furnaces, players can mess with what the other person is crafting at these tables. Visually, it would allow the crafter to become an "alternate crafting table" that can add functionality and aesthetics to builds where the normal crafting bench might look out of place.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I respectfully believe this one block outweighs, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, and potentially 1.20. The Automatic Revolution is upon us.

    This is especially exciting for nation-building servers, since this block introduces first-world communities to multiplayer.

  • 19
    Registered User commented
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    Adding a template for crafting recipes would be a huge mistake in my opinion, and here is why:

    1. The crafter is pretty easy to use for simple crafting recipes, but for more complicated ones should be harder to use, otherwise the automation in Minecraft will become unbearably easy, more than it already is. The crafter allows you to craft everything you want, but to use it for more complicated items, it should require contraptions to setup the recipe by hand.
    2. This feature would go against the idea of how redstone is implemented in the game. Redstone is generally made up of easy-to-use, simple components, that together can make the user create basically anything, more complex. This would remove a big part of how users have to figure out a way to make the block do what they want.
    3. The ability to toggle slots is already a luxury, which was the way Mojang wanted less-technical players to be able to use the block more easily. With the ability to suck out items from the bottom, a temporary item could have been used instead to fill slots that should be empty at the end, which then would be sucked out via an item filter. So allowing for even easier use by adding template, where you just have to point a hopper into the block and that's it, would be absolutely broken and destroy the joy that comes with redstone's simplicity and ways to figure out to use it in more complicated ways.