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Add Combat Update To Bedrock Edition


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  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    As a bedrock player, I absolutely and fully agree with this take. This might just be me, but I find the old style combat extremely boring, and I'm not able to play java at all, as a console player. It's very unfair that pc players can have all these features while us bedrock players have to look in envy. I hope Mojang will make this change someday.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    some people don't play with a mouse some play with a trackpad and is its difficult to spam click  with that plus bedrock is also on mobile and console two of the platforms that can't spam click easily


  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Never add new combat to Bedrock and change it in java to match bedrock combat instead, java combat is not even harder to play it's just boring and casual

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    As a mobile player, I completely agree with this. Sure, it would make the current combat in Bedrock Edition harder, but with updates with the intention to improve the current mobile controls, I don't see why not? It would be interesting if it could be a toggleable option in the world settings, just like "Recipe Unlocking," so that users who actually want to play with the new combat update can just toggle it with a single button without the use of mods that try to replicate the Java combat.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I like bedrock for many reasons but the combat in Java is way better. I think it should be added to (at least) the pc version of Minecraft bedrock. Maybe they could add it to the options menu to toggle it on or off so everyone is happy. Having to switch between bedrock and java is just annoying IMO. Especially when you have a realms server.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    And if any odd controversy shows up, just make it a world option.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    For bedrock I think it would be beneficial if they made it so all attacks have a cooldown so that way it would be timed based instead of spamming and it would actually make it so mobile players could have a better chance at fighting back better against pc players because they already have a hard time moving their screen to hit their opponent and I think the axe should do more damage and serve another purpose in combat instead of the only benefit being to disable shields

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Honestly I think mobile should have almost like its own version so that bedrock console players can have all the other features like the combat update and being able to put anything in your off hand