Send us your feedback, ideas and suggestions for the next big Minecraft update!


Let's talk about Trails & Tales! - Feedback Mega Thread



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  • 105
    Registered User commented
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    Honestly, I found this update very incomplete. The new cherry blossom biome does not have its own mob, it does not have its own structures, The sniffer only finds two plants, which are just decorative, like the others. Archeology is shallow, and the new vases are very simple and also decorative. Blacksmithing models could be better worked on. I liked the update but feel like it needs a part 2 to be complete

  • 75
    Registered User commented
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    A common player complaint is that Mojang kept adding useless decos, and this update's yet another aesthetic update. Now don't get me wrong, I'm a builder and I love hanging signs, pots, and cherry blossoms! But the devs focus too much on intrinsic player motivation, and there's almost no extrinsic motivation anymore (such as building for survival, raiding dungeons to get useful loot). Nether update's the only exception. Deep Dark's great, but the unique loot like the compass is not that useful & too gimmicky.

    When I first played Minecraft, that rush of making your first base to protect yourself from scary monsters, farming to sate my hunger, and exploring to get better gear, that extrinsic motivation feels great and addicting! The intrinsic motivation of making a beautiful survival base is a cherry-on-top. But nowadays, most additions are just useless things like the Sniffer's flowers. They're great for deco but have no survival use. And survival is why I buy Minecraft. I don't want a 3D app like Blender, I want a game.

    On top of that, the long-awaited mobile controls from 1.19 ended up bad, there's still no way to customize your button size/position & HUD, even though players kept asking for it. If I have customizable buttons on-screen that allows me to quickly switch to my torch (or food, or anything else), use it, and return to my tool, that'd feel great, instead of slowly tapping the tiny hotbar. Every good mobile game has button customization, except Minecraft.

  • 40
    Registered User commented
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    As for update feedback, I love non-full blocks like signs. We finally have a new non-green leaf color with cherry blossom! I hope for brown autumn leaves in the future, with falling leaf particles. Please add ambient sounds like crickets, sea waves, caves echo etc. I was hoping for a green wood set with bamboo as we're lacking green fences/stairs.

    Wandering traders should sell his unique armor trim as he's useless. Elder Guardian's armor trim drop rate is too low, and finding them can take 10k+ blocks. While the armor trims encourage exploration by giving unique structure loot, save file bloat discourages exploration especially on mobile/consoles. I find myself not wanting to explore & play the game, because as the file size goes into gigabytes, the game on bedrock starts to lag & crash. This lack of adventure makes me quit the game. What if there's roguelike temporary dimensions where you can go into a randomized dungeon world, fight the boss & get loot, then repeat? The End update is a perfect opportunity for this, fitting the dimension-hopping theme. What about magic wands & robes like Minecraft Dungeons? Everyone's using diamond gear with no variety.

    Mojang is too afraid of making big meaningful changes & prefers "safe" but boring aesthetic updates. Many players wanted bosses & new dimensions with useful loot. Adventure needs dangerous areas with mobs like dragons & sea leviathans. Lately though, this 1.20 update has been boring. Still, thank you devs for the update!

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    I am a person who likes storytelling a lot. One way I do that is by coming up with my own history for my Minecraft worlds. The thing is, Trails and Tales is supposed to allow players to create their own stories, because the game is supposed to be about creating whatever you want. However, the archaeology feature impedes players from coming up with their own histories for their worlds, so I think that it should be kept with little suggesting one specific past.

  • 20
    Registered User commented
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    Update 1.20 showed enormous potential. Old bookstore structures, plants that would spawn new types of trees, so many things. Update 1.20 could save Minecraft with amazing new features, but instead it makes me feel weird as it seems the developers didn't know how to focus on one thing and develop it

  • 14
    Registered User commented
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    Will there be a tales and trails update part two?

  • 36
    Registered User commented
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    These updates are making me rethink what I used to think about mojang. One thing that the community has already said and I notice that it is true, mojang is making the game more boring, with few varieties. Mobs are often peaceful and do not give players rewards when defeated. Goats, shiny squid, allays, sniffer, camels, axolotl, warden. What do all these mobs have in common? They are peaceful, have almost no interesting functions or have no drops. You can ride camels, but he is worse than the horse because he is slower, which is bad enough. Allay, serves a few times to pick up items nearby, and you barely use it. The game needs more challenges, like the combat snapshots that Jeb_ took in version 1.16. Where is all that interaction with other players that he released years ago? Is it in the basement of ideas thrown out of mojang? I'm still waiting for that combat update

  • 28
    Registered User commented
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    Hmmm the sniffer seems like something that new players will never be able to find without a wiki.... Maybe eggs can rarely appear on ocean chests as well? I really really agree that there's too much useless decorations, if only we can brew new potions with sniffer flowers, then it'd at least have some survival use.

    Minecraft caters too much to builders, but I buy the game due to its open world rpg nature.... I want tough battles, dungeons, new weapons and gear. I want to live in a cool base but I don't have time to spend weeks watching building tutorials and gather materials, and so I prefer to live in structures like mansions. Not everyone is a creative builder and they shouldn't be forced to build. It gets boring though, if only there's a builder villager NPC that helps me spawn cool bases immediately.

    Oh, and please remove the double-click crafting on mobile that's added in 1.19 to 1.20. For example, if you want to craft two buttons, you might click twice, but with the new double click crafting, you are likely to craft an entire stack of buttons and wasting materials. The old method of hold-tap to craft stack is much better.

  • 23
    Registered User commented
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    I don't mean to offend anyone by posting this, but I just have to let this out. I think I can speak for the whole Minecraft Community if I say, that we're are extremely disappointed in this update. The Minecraft updates you have been delivering us are getting worse and worse since 1.16. You call yourself a videogame company but all you do is add such a small amount of additions after ONE YEAR of work?! Come on! Minecraft Mod developers are doing more and most of them don't even have a developing team! I get that you are currently working on other projects but that doesn't mean, that you can just neglect Minecraft Java. I have been enjoying Minecraft for more than nine years and it's sad to see Minecraft slowly dying. I would go as far as to say that Notch selling Minecraft was one of the worst mistakes in videogame history. He really tried hard to keep the players entertained with weekly updates that were actually fun. After that Minecraft became more professional and there were loads of really cool updates. Compared to the present you have increased in developers and decreased in creativity and innovation. If you don't keep up with other videogames you are going to fall behind and Microsoft will regret its purchase. Minecraft is in danger! (sry for any spelling or grammar mistakes I'm not a native speaker.)

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    It just doesn't seem nostalgic and fun to play mincraft anymore...

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    I have never been so disappointed and I really do mean it.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Noted the negativity up there. So what do all of you want?

  • 21
    Registered User commented
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    I was very excited for this update and was very upset at how underwhelming it was. There were very few features and they didn’t seem interesting or well implemented.

    Most of the armour trims look almost the exact same and then you have to use gems and ingots, some of which are very expensive, limiting the colour without adding any other benefit. 

    For the pots there is one size and one colour. And while the engraving could be a cool feature they don’t stand out. My suggestion would be to have pots colourful with different sizes while being customizable like banners.

    Archaeology is slow, underwhelming with the only things you can find being: a piece of pot, a spawn egg for an animal that doesn’t seem to do anything or an emerald. 

    Everything in this feels unpolished and unfinished, without having any of that charm that made minecraft so popular.

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    As a Bedrock player, I'm sorry to say that I was more excited about the upcoming parities than the 1.20 features themselves.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    I think that update 1.20.0 is 7/10 because it's an interim update (not a major one), it doesn't make any major changes to the game (mechanics, gameplay), I think it needs to add more troubles (monsters, traps) and more useless mobs, for atmosphere

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    You should remove the netherite upgrade because it spoils the spirit of minecraft which is to do as you please. And put a system of durability on the armor ornaments because duplication is not very credible for minecraft vanilla.Or the armors trims would work like banner designs: unbreakable, because they are only cosmetics.

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    Ehhh I think that spirit of minecraft on doing as you please should be restricted to creative mode. In survival mode, I want dangers and restrictions like the warden.... If I become an unkillable god that can do as I please, the game gets boring, it's no different than creative mode... There's no sense of danger or rpg progression anymore.

    But instead of making netherite equipment harder to get, maybe they should add more progression instead, or even different armor builds that's a sidegrade? I don't mind the smithing template dupe, they should really break off from being vanilla to add even more exciting things.

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    As others have already stated, this update feels very incomplete. There is a lot of promising stuff here with the Cherry Grove enabling a logical reason for more east asian inspired additions, Archeology opening up the entirety of the apparently more fantastical world of Minecraft's distant past and the updated Smithing System showing conceptual potential for creating more specialized equipment for different playstyles (perhaps letting those templates replace the overpowered diamond gear trades from villagers, which would rectify the busted diamond economy).

    The problem is, the majority of the update barely scratches the surface of what these ideas could be expanded into, which sadly seems to be the norm over the recent years, the only part with deeper sandbox purpose instead being changes to previously underutilized elements like the sculk sensor and jukebox.

    What needs to happen is to pull the brakes on anything completely new and give all the existing and especially the functionally useless and severely outdated stuff a second pass to make the game feel more cohesive and actually have the versatile sandbox, that it is primarily known for.

    Minecraft is a sandbox game first and foremost. Please remember that, Mojang.

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    Update kinda feels half-baked.  I know it's main feature point is quality of life and bug fixes to of course the added physical stuff couldn't be as polished so I hope in the future what's there can be worked on even further like so many things before it.

    Like, give the Sniffer even more plants to find than just two, give archelogy a different reason to go out of your way to do it besides self-expression, ect.

    I hope the next update is more focused on polishing and upgrading what's been in the game for years already instead of focusing on completely new things.  Nether Forretresses and Strongholds come to mind.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    I still want glowsquid ink to be used for armor trims 

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    1.20 seems too messy and is the smithing changes are lame. For future updates I suggest that instead of adding random things into a jumbled up pile and slapping a title on it you should hold a series of update votes. This might seem like a bad idea, but, if done right, could help to bring a meaningful update to Minecraft.

    First we, the players, give suggestions for a theme that the update would be focused on. Next you, the developers, choose a few that you think fit Minecraft best, then we vote on them. Once the theme is chosen we  submit various concepts. Then you would chose the best ones that fit the theme and we then vote on them.

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    Most people are saying this already, but the update feels underdeveloped.  

    Cherry Grove: maybe the prettiest biome in the game, but it needs more unique features like a village type, biome specific mobs, etc to provide more functionality and intrigue than just for ambience and building. Ambience is one of Minecraft's biggest flaws and it NEEDS better ambience, but the biome just feels empty and will quickly grow boring as a result.

    Sniffer: I voted for sniffers, but its the worst part of the update--tedious to find only for it to give two flowers used exclusively to decorate.

    Smithing Table/Trims: good, but trims should provide minor effects like speed, damage, durability boosts, etc for the armor they're applied to, giving players actual reasons to find them beyond "they look cool." Maybe armor upgrading could be integral to the game--armors have abilities that stack when upgraded adding variation to combat (adding copper/emerald armor would help).

    Archeology: interesting idea, but the loot isn't good enough for me to go out of my way to slowly dig through gobs of sand/gravel. The pots are really cool, but they need more variation (add colors or different pot sizes). The loot for archeology also needs more unique variation, maybe new decoration items, new weapons (which could help revamp combat), etc.

    The additional blocks (shelves, bamboo, signs, etc) are cool, but these updates are all the same: add new blocks but change nothing big about the gameplay. Please take risks Mojang

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I love this update but I have two suggestions for armor! Number one, more colors! For example, using prismarine for a light teal color! Other things that could be added are, leather for brown (There's leather armor, why not armor trim?), Nether brick for a dark purply maroon, blaze rod or blaze powder for a bright fiery orange (Copper isn't very orange), and Glowstone for a light gold color! Number two, armor coatings/shines! So you know how enchanting armor makes it shiny? I'm thinking of something similar. just think of armor with an orange shine on it! Some items that could be used for this are, magma cream for a gradient of orange and green, dragon's breath for white and purple, echo shard for dark blue, ender eye/ender pearl for dark blue and teal, and glow ink sac to make the armor glow in the dark! I would love to see these ideas in game. Once again, this is a great update but there could be more!

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    Minecraft is missing environment resources. The world is completely silent, it has no ambiance. If you walk around the world the same way you started playing, you'll end up never having heard crickets at night, fireflies at night, and frogs in swamps. Minecraft is an empty game
    Armor is a very empty resource. If you don't have friends to play with you, there's no point in getting these armors. Armors don't even give advantages to the player. The full gold one could make the piglins accept the player, the copper one could maybe increase the player's speed a bit, stuff like that

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    I know this has been said by others, but I can't wait for an update that brings more extrinsic goals to the game or improves on what we have.

    Minecraft is a sandbox game, which means we get to do what we want.  Well what if I want to complete a inset goal?  People love the nether update for that reason. It added new things to do and conquer.

    Minecraft is a Survival game on top of a sandbox game. New toys to play with a are cool, but as a survival player, I want new challenges that help get me somewhere, yknow? This reason is why people want "usefulness" out of new mobs or items.

    We wanna complete challenges and feel rewarded for what we do.  

    Now I'm not saying to bottleneck players into doing something, because it goes against the spirit of minecraft or whatevr, but just. Give players a little nudge in the right direction.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I think it would be really nice if you can craft a horse saddle because those are hard to find if your in survival

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Having a buildable in-game feature that shows your character’s updated location (similar to a “Locator Map” that moves with your character) and highlights any areas of interest to explore on the Minecraft map would be great. Because it’s almost impossible to locate the “Trail Ruins” locations without leaving on “coordinates” and referencing “Chunk Base” constantly.

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    I hope the next update is more focused on polishing and upgrading what's been in the game for years already instead of focusing on completely new things.  Nether Forretresses and Strongholds come to mind.

    Make the old out-dated and, to be honest, quite ugly features (because they no longer fit Minecraft), more up-to-date, beautiful, and true to what Minecraft has become before adding more to the game! 

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Microsoft o Mojang propongo que en las librerías de las Strongholds pongan algunas estanterías con el nuevo bloque de estante, con algunos libros

  • 17
    Registered User commented
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    A dev's reply to these feedback has been extremely disappointing, Mojang wants to keep adding useless content & I've lost hope that Minecraft will be better. I like Minecraft because of the freedom to explore an infinite 3D world where you can place blocks anywhere, and also the extrinsic motivations like survival, adventure for useful loot, battles/bosses. No other game in the world has this, they lack the freedom & most Minecraft knockoffs are mediocre. Bedrock doesn't have mods, so I need to rely on vanilla being good.

    I love intrinsics, but the extrinsics are what made Minecraft this popular, creating youtube let's play reactions like getting scared by Wardens & feeling accomplished after defeating a boss. They're not mutually exclusive! We can have dungeons with tough mobs & useful rewards, where players have to make a choice to enter, not like phantoms harassing you everywhere as you build. We can give Sniffer flowers a survival use, not just decor. It's bad argument saying extrinsics are somehow ruining the sandbox, and justify adding useless items like goat horns & glow ink sacs, again & again.

    All I do lately is build, build. That extrinsic reason that made me enjoy Minecraft is gone. So I've quit the game. I've decided that Minecraft needs competition. Hytale understands how to balance intrinsics & extrinsics, it's only a matter of time until players compare both games' updates, where one adds 2 useless mobs after a year, and the other adds meaningful additions.