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Let's talk about the Cherry Blossom Biome!



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  • 318
    Registered User commented
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    Moolips (pink moobloom variants from Minecraft Earth) should spawn there.

  • 253
    Registered User commented
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    Hello Minecraft Team, My name is ChrisWoltan, I would like to request a change in the texture and opening/closing mechanics of the door that was announced for the Cherry Blossom Biome variation. Could you make the texture resemble traditional oriental doors, called Shōji? Also, could you make the door's opening mechanics slide, like a sliding door?

    Thank you very much for your attention, Minecraft team!

  • 172
    Registered User commented
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    Please please *please* make the new cherry blossom wooden planks a unique colour on map items. We desperately need a second pink colour in the mapart palette that can be picked for skin and flesh tones. Pink is the most underrepresented colour in the map palette and this would be the absolute perfect opportunity to add a new shade and new flexibility to mapartists.

  • 263
    Registered User commented
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    Hiya! I love this new biome and I think a new mob would really help set it apart! For example I would love to see something like the Hedgehog from Minecraft Dungeons or Butterflies to really add to the cute and cuddly personality of the Cherry grove!

  • 305
    Registered User commented
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    I would like to suggest White Cherry Blossom variants of the pink trees. It would add amazing diversity to the Cherry Grove biome.

  • 97
    Registered User commented
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    There should be a less common chance find or grow a Cherry Blossom Tree variant of the Trees, a.k.a. a "Cherry Weeping Willow".

    However, rather than generate green vines to give the "weeping willow look"; The Vines that generate on Cherry Blossom trees should instead be of a similar color scheme of the respective Cherry Blossom tree it has generated on, to complete the illusion.

  • 217
    Registered User commented
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    Definetly need some more foliage, rn its just looks like a regular plain/mountain biome with cherry trees in it.Something like bamboo or tall flowers in there would make it prettier i think.Maybe change particle too? like falling leaves particle

  • 62
    Registered User commented
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    Perhaps, make only neural & peacefully mobs spawn in this Biome, or at the very least on the surface of it; with the exception of spiders, phantoms, and endermen at night. Of course other Hostile Mobs should still be able to spawn in the surrounding Biome(s), and thus travel into the Cherry Blossom Biome.

  • 133
    Registered User commented
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    The new cherry wood, planks, and variants look great. The Cherry Sapling is beautiful and lovely. The one comment I have is on the leaves. On a cherry tree they feel a bit flat, and they lack the abundance of transparency that most leaves have. They also do not seem to change colors between biomes like most leaves, but I think that's a good thing. Adding transparency on the leaves would improve how they look, or something like the pink petals on the ground, but for the leaves

  • 108
    Registered User commented
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    The Cherry Blossom forest feels really empty right now (I know it's in its early stages). It could use more types of new flowers, a new form of terrain (like mud from the mangrove forests), and some new animals. Maybe add some structures like a village or something that will make the players want to go there for something other than wood. Maybe a special type of dig site only found in this biome with items related to the story of the ancient cities? Maybe an item that opens the portal in the city, or something that gives use to the Mysterious Frame.

  • 187
    Registered User commented
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    I think most of the sheeps spawning in this biome should be pink.

  • 48
    Registered User commented
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    Hostile mobs should be uncommon or changed in this biome to fit a more loving biome to live in

  • 66
    Registered User commented
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    Perhaps also Cherry Blossoms Tree of the colors; darker pink (common), pastel white (uncommon), pastel yellow (rare), and pastel lime (rare). All Cherry Blossom Logs should have the a very similar color bark until stripped or made into the various “plank” wood types, of course.

  • 71
    Registered User commented
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    I really like the biome and the textures of the logs, but the leaves texture feels a little to hard and solid.

  • 27
    Registered User commented
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    I do not know which type of cherry tree this tree was modeled after, but Yoshino cherries, which are widely planted in Japan, have much paler flowers and brownish-red leaves during the blooming season.
    Also, the petals can be seen falling, but in the Yoshino cherry near the end of its bloom, the center of the flower is a darker pink color.

  • 71
    Registered User commented
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    I suggest that in the cherry forest you can pick cherries from trees or bushes, this would be logical.

    As for wood, I can’t say anything against it, but the color of the boards themselves is too colorful, I suggest making the texture shade darker or, for example, adding a little blueness there.

  • 63
    Registered User commented
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    Hello, I think the grass colour should be different in the Cherry Grove biome. Perhaps a lighter, vibrant green (lighter than the jungle grass) - right now it seems it is very close to being similar to the plains biome, and I think it deserves something more special.

  • 34
    Registered User commented
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    A “chance” of uncommon floating “orb fairies” should occasionally appear at night, perhaps on occasional phases of the moon at night & dissipate in the early morning, light fog in the Cherry Blossom Biome. 
    players shouldn’t be able to directly interact with them. They should be semi transparent, and be able to move freely through most “overworld dimension blocks”; with the exception of iron blocks, glass blocks, fire, lava, slime blocks, skulk blocks, end dimension exclusive blocks, & neither dimension exclusive blocks. Perhaps, direct contact with fire & lava will force them to dissipate.
    Players should be able to craft & bait a new block the “glass bottle” to have a chance of catching them. The “Bottled Fairy” Block should emit a low light.

    Orb fairies should be pink (common), white (common), light yellow (uncommon), lime (uncommon), blue (rare), and a shade of light purple (rare).

    this would be a great way to replace the idea of bottled fireflies.

  • 34
    Registered User commented
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    The new biome feels awesome! But a bit incomplete, it doesn't fully immerse you. I really think you should consider adding some sort of new dirt block according to the new pink theme, maybe a light pinkish or a much pale green, something to add to the atmosphere.

  • 106
    Registered User commented
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    the woodset looks great! You guys should add cherries along with the new trees though!

  • 67
    Registered User commented
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    It's very cute! But it feels a little empty. So here's a few ideas to make the biome feel fully realized:

    - I think the grass color should be changed to fit the color palette better

    - The texture for the falling leaves could be more leaf-like

    - Some more plants and flora, including taller ones. It would make it feel more "foresty" and even more unique than it already is

    - And the cherry leaves could be tweaked to be just a bit more opaque

    Overall I'm really happy about the biome! 

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    Hello Mojang, for me the cherry tree is ugly from 1.20 compared to the cherry tree from the mod " oh the biome you'll go "

  • 26
    Registered User commented
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    Have an uncommon “chance” of finding a hot spring or two in the Cherry Blossom Biome. The light steam around the hot spring(s) should provide an welcomed, occasional difference of atmosphere when found.

    Also, consider creating the opposite in addition; A Hot Spring biome that has both more Hot Springs, but also generate with far less bunches of the beautiful Cherry Blossom Trees than the actual Cherry Blossom Tree Biome. Cherry Blossom Trees are somewhat common in such locations, and would look better spread out more if implemented as such. Although both Biomes sound about same, “on paper”, the actual implementation in-game both can & should be different to bring even more diversity to the locations that these beautiful trees can found.

  • 30
    Registered User commented
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    I think the 1.20 update's background panorama should be a cherry blossom grove.

  • 55
    Registered User commented
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    I like the concept and the design of the wood. I feel that there should be more transparency on the leaves so that they aren't as overpowering to look at. That would make them more beautiful and elegant.

  • 14
    Registered User commented
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    I love the new cherry blossom leaves, but the spots of green in them feel somewhat out of place to me. I don't know how others feel about this, but I think the leaves would be better off with just the pink.

  • 85
    Registered User commented
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    I think it'd be fun if cherries dropped from the leaves like apples do from other trees!

  • 57
    Registered User commented
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    I think foxes should be able to spawn here. A lot of places where Cherry Blossoms are native, so are foxes. Plus they both share cultural significance in countries, like Japan.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    The trapdoor texture needs a hard border around the entire texture, like every other trapdoor has

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    This is really cool, I love how it pops out in the distance when exploring and also seeing the blossom particles, they make the area feel alive.

    To add a bit of variation it would be cool if there were some really tall leafless/ deadtrees that help to make the area more interesting.

    Another thing that could be fun is if pink sheel were more common in this biome, it would be like adding a new mob without adding a new mob to the biome.

    A small nitpick I had was that it's a cherry blossom biome without cherries. They could be added so that they grow like propagules and you can eat them or you could plant them in farmland and they could grow into saplings.