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Let's talk about Netherite Upgrading!



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  • 72
    Registered User commented
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    I would not feel comfortable raiding a bastion without netherite armor, so I think the netherite upgrade smithing template should be found somewhere else.

  • 20
    Registered User commented
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    I think this will be a good change, to make game progression last longer in a new world. I think Netherite Elytra could be an idea to visit with this new system of upgrading. Elytra are rare items that cannot be crafted and can only be lost to fire/lava, despawn, void, cactus, and explosion. I think taking away one of the easiest ways to lose Elytra would be a huge upgrade, but it could be balanced with these new changes to Netherite upgrading

  • 30
    Registered User commented
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    I think this is overall a great change for progression, and it helps address the common complaint that netherite is too easy to get. However, in order for this new mechanic to feel rewarding, each bastion should have at least 1 netherite upgrade template. This will still require to player to visit at least 9 bastions and explore the nether, but I think will help ensure a feeling of progression. 

    A complaint I've heard about this new system is that players who play without structure generation will not be able to access to netherite gear. Making the netherite upgrade template a very rare drop from bartering will not only address this, but will make the process of upgrading to netherite more dynamic and varied.

  • 300
    Registered User commented
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    I'm posting this everywhere so I apologize. It would be great if using gold trims on the full netherite armor set would have a benefit in preventing anger in piglins
    that benefit would offset the new cost of Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Eu não gostei muito dessa mudança, pois netherita já é algo difícil de conseguir ter q pegar 4 pra fazer uma barra mas blz, mas com essa atualização vai dificultar muito e pessoas com aparelhos fracos não vão conseguir carregar tanto terreno procurando isso, mas já q vcs querem dificultar podia adicionar um jeito de vc criar esse item, o meu primeiro full netherite demorou quase 1 ano pra fazer e tem gente q nem deve ter uma peça e se vc morrer e perder tudo vai ter q explorar mais e mais até o aperelho explodir. Mas é só minha opinião mas se ficar assim vale mais apena ficar só no diamante por mim ou voltar a versão ficar full netherite e depois atualizar.

  • 53
    Registered User commented
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    I think we shouldn't be able to craft a second Template “Netherite Upgrade”. Or, instead of a netherrack, use a Netherite Ingot to have difficulty.

  • 136
    Registered User commented
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    I like the idea in theory, but I think the upgrade should not be consumable. I do not want to have to go out and find a specific chest in a specific structure to find a consumable item that's expensive to copy, just to be able to do what I can do right now for free. Netherite is not a big enough upgrade from diamond to be worth all that. Make the template permanent.

  • 26
    Registered User commented
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    I was considering talking about the difficulty of obtaining these templates, however, with it being mentioned that the intention is to make Bastions an integral part of progression, I changed my mind. I think it's very interesting to make more structures vital to progression, similar to how Strongholds (and, as of 1.19, ONLY Strongholds) are vital. It's a great idea to make more structures involved in player progression.

    That being said, I also appreciate being able to craft (expensively) more templates. Using Diamonds to copy them makes them a commitment and gives more use to Diamonds in late-game. 

  • 76
    Registered User commented
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    I've seen many people express that its far too expensive and just makes Netherite, a grindy process, even grindier. And could even potentially make it so players are out of luck in exploring bastions and could softlock themselves in a world with small borders, which are decently common with servers. 

    If there's no plans to make the recipe any cheaper, perhaps you could also get it rarely from Piglin Bartering, which would provide a still grindy but safer alternative thats also renewable.

  • 19
    Registered User commented
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    i think every bastion should be guaranteed to have one netherite upgrade in it, similar to how treasure bastions already have guaranteed two. this would still keep the netherite upgrade hard to get (brave all the piglin brutes in the bastion and hunt through the chests to get it), keep the treasure bastion unique (twice of them!) and make it so it is easier to obtain the netherite upgrade in the first place. the hard part, then, and the part that would keep the players using diamond gear that much longer, would be either hunting down more bastions or mining enough diamonds to continuously duplicate it to get all the gear they need, on top of the already tedious task of getting that much ancient debris.

    The bastion remnant would still be an integral part of game progression, but at the same time - every bastion remnant would be integral to game progression, instead of it being a random chance that this one is actually useful. The bastion already has its own amount of random chance treasures - Pigstep, Snout Banner Patterns, and the Snout Armor Trim now. The netherite upgrade is essential, and the player should be able to get one from any bastion they visit.

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    I think we should be able to craft netherite upgrade templates from scratch. It would have to be really difficult, like 8 diamonds and a netherite scrap or ancient debris (maybe an ingot) because I don't want to die to piglin brutes when I want to get netherite armor (especially in hardcore mode!).

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    Often to find structures, players resort to a third party app like chunkbase. I love that we're giving another reason to explore bastions, but would like to make players able to find them more reliably using in-game tools.

    For example, adding a map for cartographers to sell that leads to a bastion, like the 'Woodland Explorer Map'

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    I'd say it already takes a long time to mine sufficient netherite to be able to upgrade your gear as is now, so requiring further exploration to bastions for every single netherite tool could just take too long and feel like too much of a grind for an upgrade that isn't vastly better than diamond tools are already. Perhaps the smithing template could have a durability meter that allows it to be used for a few netherite upgrades before it needs to be replaced either with a copy or a new one to reduce how much of a grind upgrading to netherite would become with this change - it would maintain both the introduction of exploring bastions to the game progression and unify the netherite upgrade system with the new armour trim system without making netherite gear too much of a grind and would provide the best of both worlds.

  • 26
    Registered User commented
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    Making crafting recipes more rare and tedious isn't a good way of adding challenge to the game. 1 upgraded diamond item will cost 4 gold, 4 nether scrap, 7 diamonds and 1 netherack for cloning the template, the diamond tool you want upgrade, and the template itself that you have to search for... This will only encourage most players to never get netherite gear for the sake of time and cost. Instead, the netherite upgrade template, and all other templates should not be consumed upon use, much like banner patterns, almost like finding the schematic for a design in the one place it makes sense to find, much like the ship and temple templates. In this case the netherite template can be found and players can have a "I can finally craft netherite gear!" moment. Upgrading to netherite is already a tedious process for armor and gear that arguably doesnt have benefits that justify the cost. nonetheless i still think using any template, cosmetic or not, should cost XP levels. Netherite upgrades in particular should cost a significant amount of xp per item vs other templates, maybe even something like 30 levels PER item for added "challenge". It would also make sense to the quasi-lore the game has regarding magic items. Justifying netherites added fire resist, lava burn resist, and enchantment boost, or even possible buffs the armor could get in the future. In conclusion, make the templates more like resuable schematics instead of expensive, tedious,"difficulty boosters".

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    I love the new system for upgrading to Netherite. I love the idea of making the players now have to confront a dangerous area (the bastions) in order to acquire the more advanced tier of armor. However, I do think that the fact that they are consumables means that old or multiplayer worlds won't be able to utilize them as effectively as a brand new and single player worlds on account of (in both multiplayer and long played-on worlds) the players having to search far and wide for un-raided bastions to find these templates and then only being able to craft more of them with another non-renewable resource on top of the already non-renewable (and rare!) Netherite, which I think will cause having any sort of back up armor or even multiple sets in general way harder to achieve and maybe even impossible in some situations.

  • 126
    Registered User commented
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    This change is pretty much useless and unbalanced. I know it gives the bastions a new use, but getting Netherite will became more hard, especially for new players.

    We are fine with the old netherite recipe.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    Netherite is tedious as it is right now, and while this could be an interesting change to make it better, getting ingots would have to be easier to balance it out. Also, having them be unique items I that only generate in chests could make it too difficult to find on servers and older worlds where most nearby bastions may have already been looted

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Overall I am content with the Netherite change presented. However, I also think that finding the upgrade template shouldn't be limited to a 4.8% chance across all chests in a bastion. I understand that Netherite is supposed to be a rare commodity, but those low numbers make the task even more arduous and grindy. Maybe have the templates craftable? Something similar to the cloning recipe, but mix up the required materials. One netherrack, seven diamonds, and a single piece of Netherite scrap. Expensive, but worth the grind. By the time most survival players are gathering netherite, it's after the Ender dragon is killed. So a little bit of grind is to be expected, but being required to raid potentially ten or more bastions for a decent chance is... way too much work IMO.

  • 14
    Registered User commented
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    Several Concerns regarding this:

    • It isn't clear that these are consumable to players that haven't read the update news.
    • On servers with a world border, someone might hog all available templates, might just not be active anymore on this server or simply died in lava while retrieving them. There might even be none to begin with inside the world border.
    • While the cost of duplicating trim templates seems fine as it is cosmetic, adding bastion finding, exploring and possibly repeating this process, plus (more) diamond mining ontop of the netherite grind seems uncalled for in a game where there is so much to do besides armor progression.
  • 17
    Registered User commented
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    I strongly dislike the cost it takes to upgrade each piece of armor and tools. As of right now, every piece of armor and tool combined costs 38 diamonds, but with this change upgrading everything would cost a total of 101 diamonds from scratch, not including the difficulty of finding Netherite scrap in the first place.

    I think there's a strong difference between balancing mechanics and enforcing monotony, and making players rely on incredibly expensive and single-use templates they need to find rarely in a hostile structure is not a welcome change. The cost to create a cosmetic template needs to be reduced, and Netherite upgrades don't deserve the bottleneck that comes with parity.

  • 137
    Registered User commented
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    I think this is a great change. Personally I found obtaining Netherite Armor too easy, so this change will make obtaining netherite armor a more prestigious activity.

  • 83
    Registered User commented
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    I think we should still have the same way to obtain netherite because it makes obtaining netherite armor too hard.

  • 95
    Registered User commented
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    Could the netherrack block in the crafting recipe be replaced with an obsidian block? That way it makes it seem more lavaproof and netherlike and it has quasilore because obsidian is linked with traveling to the nether!

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    I think smithing template  should be infinitely usable.Otherwise, players need to spend a lot of time exploring.That would be a very bad gaming experience for players.And it will also have a bad gaming experience for realms players.Because after entering the realms, players will need to find a lot of Fortressin order to create a set of Netherrites weapons, tools and equipment

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    The new smithing table will be unusable in structureless worlds, making netherite gear unobtainable.

  • 116
    Registered User commented
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    I didn’t think the grind it getting netherite was worth the minor improvement over diamond armor before this, particularly since diamond armor is so easy to get from villagers. I think if it’s going to be even harder to get it needs an additional buff. Not necessarily more durability or protection, but somehow making it protected against loss to explosions, cactus and the void.

  • 67
    Registered User commented
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    Adding a new utility to the almost useless diamond is a great idea, especially since the stage of the diamond armor was too fast, now getting the netherite is harder, and that’s better! 

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    The upgrade kit item should also show in fortresses, as they are already essential for progression.
    I also think with this system, chain armor should finally be made craftable with an upgrade kit from another armor, and then give chainmail some buffs.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    It is pretty interesting and gives more difficulty for the game but I don't feel like "its fair" netherite isn't stronger than diamonds the only thing netherite does is fire resistance so you don't lose it all in lava pools. For me 7 diamonds it's too much for a duplication of the upgrade, instead of 7 use 4 and 4 netherracks + the upgrade

  • 36
    Registered User commented
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    It would make the upgrade much more unique if the upgrade template looked very different from the other templates

    I want to make the Netherite upgrading feels much more rewarding and unique