Posted: 2 February 2022
PLEASE READ before participating in the Minecraft Beta:
- Joining the beta will replace your game with a work-in-progress version of Minecraft
- You will not have access to Realms and will not be able to join non-beta players while you're previewing the beta
- Any worlds played while in the beta cannot be opened in previous versions of the game, so please make copies of worlds to prevent losing them
- Beta builds can be unstable and are not representative of final version quality
- The beta is available only on Xbox, Windows, and Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see for detailed instructions
Here's a list of what is new in this week's Beta! As always please search and report any bugs you may find at Please note - the Minecraft Preview version will receive an update with a slightly different version - for more information please visit
Experimental Features
- Frogs now only use jump animation when using Jump Goal
- Frogs are now tempted and bred using Slime Balls
- Tadpole health is now 6
- Adjusted Frog spawning in Swamps, weight 10, herd size 2-5
- JumpToBlockGoal now correctly has the mob jump to small blocks like Lily Pads
Frog Spawn
- Frog Spawn now breaks when pushed by a Piston
- Frog Spawn is now destroyed when the water source beneath it is removed
- Frog Spawn no longer prevented from hatching when a block is underneath it
- Frog Spawn can now be placed on waterlogged blocks
- Frog Spawn can no longer be placed above solid ground or under water with the '/fill' command
- Frog Spawn Block is now destroyed by falling blocks (MCPE-150781)
Goat Horn
- After using Goat Horn, there is now a cooldown period before it can be used again
Features and Bug Fixes
Custom Skins
- Fixed custom skins not saving when leaving the Dressing Room
- Fixed an issue where the Mending enchantment would not always correctly consume XP Orbs to repair (MCPE-120119)
- Drowned can no longer spawn where the block light level is above 0 (MCPE-150148)
User Interface
- Fixed truncated label (in some languages) above 2x2 crafting grid in Pocket UI inventory screen
- Fixed the Create New World opt-in beta setting not persisting between play sessions
Vanilla Parity
- Cauldrons are now not fillable by Dripstones that are below flowing water
- Custom armor can now be equipped with the "Use" button when different armor is already equipped (MCPE-125323)
Technical Updates
- Fixed an issue where projectiles would 'bounce' off of Bells in strange ways (MCPE-47847)
- The '/tickingarea' command no longer modifies areas from entities with tick_world component
- Fixed Logical AND to evaluate before Logical OR, and for comparison operators to evaluate before equality operators
- This is a Molang Versioned Change that only takes effect for Molang expressions in packs that use a min_engine_version of 1.18.20 or higher
- For example A && B || Cnow evaluates as (A && B) || C and A < B == C > D now evalutes as (A < B) == (C > D)
Structure Generation and Actor Spawning
- Fixed duplicate End Crystals spawning on top of End Spikes (MCPE-147817)
- Fixed an issue in which actor properties would not always sync from server to client
- EatMobGoal is now unable to start when the player is the target
GameTest Framework
- Vector
- Added function length(): number- Returns the length of this vector
- Added function normalized(): Vector- Returns this as a normalized vector
- Added static function distance(a:Vector, b:Vector): number- Returns distance between two vectors
- Added static function lerp(a:Vector, b:Vector, t: number): Vector- Returns the linear interpolation between a and b using t as the control
- Added static function slerp(a:Vector, b:Vector, s: number): Vector- Returns the spherical linear interpolation between a and b using s as the control
- Added static function cross(a:Vector, b:Vector): Vector- Returns the cross product of these two vectors
- Added static function add(a:Vector, b:Vector): Vector- Returns the addition of these vectors
- Added static function subtract(a:Vector, b:Vector): Vector- Returns the subtraction of these vectors
- Added static function multiply(a:Vector, b:Vector): Vector- Returns the component-wise product of these vectors
- Added static function divide(a:Vector, b:Vector): Vector- Returns the component-wise division of these vectors
- Added static function multiply(a:Vector, b:number): Vector- Returns the product of this vector and a scalar
- Added static function divide(a:Vector, b:number): Vector- Returns the division of this vector and a scalar
- Added static function min(a:Vector, b:Vector): Vector- Returns a vector that is made from the smallest components of two vectors.
- Added static function max(a:Vector, b:Vector): Vector- Returns a vector that is made from the largest components of two vectors
- World
- Added function playSound(soundName: String, soundOptions: SoundOptions): void- plays a sound specified by the sound name, at a location, pitch, or volume as optionally specified in the SoundOptions argument
- EntityItemComponent
- Added component EntityItemComponentthat can be used to obtain an ItemStack from an item entity – e.g., getComponent(“item”).itemStack