Posted: 1 December 2021
PLEASE READ before participating in the Minecraft Beta:
- Joining the beta will replace your game with a work-in-progress version of Minecraft
- You will not have access to Realms and will not be able to join non-beta players while you're previewing the beta
- Any worlds played while in the beta cannot be opened in previous versions of the game, so please make copies of worlds to prevent losing them
- Beta builds can be unstable and are not representative of final version quality
- The beta is available only on Xbox One, Windows 10, and Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see for detailed instructions.
It's time for another Bedrock Beta! As always, we really appreciate all the feedback you send to and please search and report any bugs you may find at
Experimental Features
- Added new experimental toggle "The Wild Update"
- The Sculk block features are now accessible by enabling this toggle
- More features to come in future betas. This is only the beginning!
Non-Experimental Features and Bug Fixes
World Generation
- The bottoms of hoodoos in Eroded Badlands biomes no longer make flat ceilings in caves underneath (MCPE-146984)
- Lily Pads no longer get placed in aquifers under Swamp biomes (MCPE-125913)
- Fossils can now be generate below Y=0, with Deepslate Diamond Ore Blocks instead of Coal Ore Blocks (MCPE-144065)
- Fossils will no longer generate floating in caves or water
- Mineshafts now always generate above the Bedrock layer (MCPE-147575)
- Biome decoration features in cave biomes now have similar frequency as Java Edition
- Furnaces now consistently output the expected amount of items after completing a smelt (MCPE-126004)
- Light Block light intensity can now be incremented periodically while holding right-click/interact (MCPE-137647)
- Light Block light intensity can now be changed on touch-input devices
- The teleport command will no longer succeed when 'checkForBlocks' is true and the destination is obstructed
- Fixed first person off-hand Shield blocking animation (MCPE-125340)
- Fixed first person blocking animation while dual wielding Shields
- Axolotl walk animations are now affected by speed (MCPE-131322)
- Wolves will now correctly react to being damaged
- Mobs can once again jump over blocks to pick up items
- Item data no longer gets corrupt when items are placed in mobs' hands (MCPE-145034)
User Interface
- Fixed tab order on Settings menu when navigating with gamepad bumpers
- Removed double space spelling issues on several screens, including the Feedback prompt (MCPE-104037)
- Fixed an issue with Screen Reader on the “Save purchase to a Microsoft Account” screen
Vanilla Parity
- Raid boss bar says now displays "Raid - Victory" and Fireworks are launched from the ground after a raid is defeated (MCPE-51267)
- Added a warning prompt explaining potential loss of data when setting File Storage Location to External on Android devices
Technical Updates
Stability and Performance
- Improved performance when executing commands
- Fixed an issue where animation controller events defined in the default state would get skipped if the controller immediately transitioned to another state (This is a versioned change that will only be applied for animation controllers starting at format_version 1.18.10)
- Order of function calls triggered by /execute inside a function are now consistent (MCPE-111849)
- Added /loot command with spawn loot overload
- JumpToBlockGoal can no longer be used when the mob is in water
Experimental Features
GameTest Framework
- World
- Added blockBreak and blockPlace events, which are called when a player breaks or places a block in the world
- BlockExplodeEvent
- Renamed destroyedBlock to block
- Player
- Added method startItemCooldown(itemCategory : string, durationTicks : int) - Starts or resets a cooldown on an item category (e.g., ender_pearl) for the given duration in ticks
- Added method getItemCooldown(itemCategory : string) - Returns the remaining duration in ticks that this player has of the given item category. If no cooldown is present, returns 0.
- ItemCooldownComponent
- Added ItemCooldownComponent (item.getComponent("minecraft:cooldown"))
- Read-only property cooldownCategory : string - Represents the cooldown category of this item.
- Read-only property cooldownTicks : int - Represents the cooldown time in ticks for this item if cooldown is enabled
- method startCooldown(player : Player) - Starts or resets a cooldown for this item on the given player if cooldown is enabled for this item
- ItemType
- Removed getName method and added read-only property .id
- Test
- Added gameMode: GameModeparameter to spawnSimulatedPlayer method
- SimulatedPlayer
- Renamed destroyBlockto breakBlock
- Renamed stopDestroyingBlockto stopBreakingBlock
- Removed selectSlot method
- Added property selectedSlot : int - Gets or sets the currently selected hotbar slot for the player