It's time for another snapshot cycle as we make our way towards 1.16.2! This snapshot introduces the Piglin Brutes, and you might have heard about them in a Bedrock beta already.
The Piglin Brutes will be the only feature addition of 1.16.2, the rest of these snapshots will be focused on fixing bugs.
- Added Piglin Brutes!
- Piglin Brutes are stronger versions of Piglins that live in bastions and protect the treasures there
- Unlike their cowardly and greedy counterparts, the Piglin Brutes cannot be distracted by gold and aren’t afraid of anything
- Piglin Brutes attack players on sight, no matter how the player is dressed
- Piglin Brutes wield axes and don’t need any armor, because they’re just that tough
- Zoglins can now be leashed
- Crimson and warped fungus can now be placed on mycelium
- Small improvements to data and resource pack selection screens
- MC-1058 - A dragon head is invisible if the entity wearing it is not in view
- MC-2404 - Stepping down while sneaking allows falling off of blocks
- MC-49476 - NBT “HideFlags” does not hide “Dyed” on leather armor
- MC-68487 - Player heads of the same player always have the same skin texture, even if the saved texture data is different
- MC-97507 - Using item which modifies the held item shows “Gear equips” subtitle
- MC-145691 - Binding “Open/Close Inventory” to Tab only opens inventory
- MC-150417 - Some items get stuck in soul sand when there is liquid above the soul sand
- MC-167285 - Travelling into an end gateway with a platform on the other side while on a boat would instantly teleport you back
- MC-171739 - Weeping and twisting vines, bamboo, and kelp can be replaced by “saplings” by breaking and placing the block at the same time
- MC-173526 - All Minecarts can survive in lava
- MC-178729 - Inconsistency: Red and brown mushrooms can’t be grown into huge mushrooms on nylium, while they can on all other “grass” blocks
- MC-182652 - Ruined portals don’t always spawn with chest
- MC-183663 - Farmer villagers don’t compost correctly
- MC-183743 - Iron golem overpopulation
- MC-185274 - Subtitles are still showing ‘‘Gear equips’’ when eating in snapshot 20w21a or newer.
- MC-188473 - Resource pack screen no longer updates when adding or removing resource packs
- MC-188969 - Having a suspicious stew in inventory prevents all types of suspicious stew from going into your inventory when milking brown mooshroom
- MC-189909 - player_interacted_with_entity does not trigger if there is only one item and the item gets consumed
- MC-190021 - Trying to mount a pig or strider while sneaking plays hand animation
- MC-190266 - Players and other entities can catch on fire after logging on while riding a Strider in lava
- MC-190274 - Collecting liquids in bottles on Creative mode is inconsistent with the new creative bucket mechanics
- MC-190849 - Slime blocks can only push entities 5 blocks high instead of 6 blocks high as in 1.15.2
- MC-191915 - While in a boat the elytra does not show as enchanted
- MC-192894 - Transparency layers lose their auxiliary depth buffer ID when resized
Snapshots are available for Minecraft: Java Edition. To install the snapshot, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab.
Snapshots can corrupt your world, so please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.
Cross-platform server jar:
Report bugs here: