30 October 2019
This week's snapshot brings you a few tweaks to honey bottles, performance improvements and some bugfixes.
- Combining four glass bottles with one honey block now gives you four honey bottles
- Honey bottles now stack (up to 16)
- Vertically moving particles are performing better when they collide with blocks
- Improved performance of chunk saving
- Iron Golem's damage progress is now based on ratio of current health to max health
- Fixed bugs
- MC-63179 - Clouds move with the player
- MC-106494 - Items despawn after one minute instead of five when dropped from the Creative inventory
- MC-132211 - Book Edits Occur on Network Thread
- MC-151962 - The last use of a shear will not drop the item on one high blocks
- MC-158911 - Fences and walls connect to closed shulker boxes
- MC-161837 - Some biome-affected items are coloured incorrectly when held in the hand
- MC-161841 - Top texture of leaves and grass blocks is gray in first person mode when being held in the hand
- MC-161846 - Shulkers on walls (facing east or west) are sometimes incorrectly oriented
- MC-161918 - Item and experience orb shadows turn completely black during pickup animation
- MC-161941 - Some items lose their colour when being picked up
- MC-162026 - Some blocks held by the witch, the rendering is very strange
- MC-162361 - Potions and water bottles are incorrectly colored when held in the hand
- MC-162526 - Edge of spawn eggs are incorrectly colored when held in the hand
- MC-162530 - Grass block and leaves sides are not colored correctly in first person mode when being held in the hand
- MC-162606 - Evoker fangs are rendered too big
- MC-163028 - Experience orbs turn white when being picked up
- MC-163400 - Parrots can imitate wolves, polar bears, zombie pigmen and endermen
- MC-163403 - Trees now require much more free space around them to grow
- MC-163744 - Missing predicates return true/false rather than failing
- MC-163849 - Stopping Creative flight with double-space triggers elytra flight
- MC-164038 - Serializer for storage nbt component is missing
To install the snapshot, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab.
Snapshots can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.
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- Head over to our feedback website or come chat with us about it on the official Minecraft Discord.