27 February 2019
Changes in 19w09a
- Added new Noteblock sounds
- Fixed bugs
- Sprites for particles can now be configured in resource packs (though particle still controls how they will be used).
- 5 new Noteblock sounds have been added: Iron Xylophone, Cow Bell, Didgeridoo, Bit, and Banjo
- 1 previously existing, but unused, sound effect has now been made available: Pling
The new Noteblock sounds can be heard by using Iron Blocks, Soul Sand, Pumpkins, Emerald Blocks, Hay Blocks, or Glowstone
Fixed bugs in 19w09a
MC-106133 - Stray / Wither Skeleton / Pillager with Tipped Arrow in Offhand No Longer Shoot Tipped Arrows
MC-132351 - Plants don't grow when there is block above them
MC-137627 - Loom pattern selection turns blank when using banner patterns
MC-137977 - Pillagers with Multishot or Piercing crossbows don't have the enchanted effects
MC-138004 - Pillagers do not shoot fireworks from their offhand
MC-139446 - Sky light not recalculated when blocks placed in air with /fill command
MC-139689 - South-facing banners are placed differently on pillager outpost
MC-140750 - Undead doesn't burn at sun in bamboo
MC-141924 - Locking a map removes markers
MC-141958 - Creeper and skeletons banners can be created without patterns
MC-143404 - NPE: Ticking entity with trader llamas, sheeps, wolves, horses, cats and chickens
MC-144078 - Foxes don't get effects from the food they eat
MC-144136 - Foxes don't attack tropical fish or pufferfish
MC-144182 - If Foxes have no AI, sleeping, and it's thundering, they will wake up
MC-144184 - Foxes with fire aspect swords don't make cooked chicken when killing a chicken
MC-144195 - Foxes attempt to sit while swimming
MC-144514 - Water buckets won't interact with double slabs
MC-144517 - Block of Quartz' bottom texture is the same as Smooth Quartz
MC-144519 - Foxes are able to harvest berry bushes with mobGriefing false
MC-144580 - Llamas spit at tamed wolves
MC-144624 - Animals do not follow players holding food in creative mode
MC-144784 - Entities are invisible when joining/teleporting to areas outside spawn chunks