Q: What is the Bedrock version of Minecraft?
A: The Bedrock version of Minecraft has been the codebase on mobile and Windows 10 since 2012, also known as our Bedrock Engine. We brought this version to Xbox One with the Better Together Update last fall and now we’re launching it on Nintendo Switch.
Q: How is this version different than the one I already own?
A: Minecraft delivers a united experience to players on all platforms that the Bedrock codebase is used. Build with friends via cross-play on Xbox One, Windows 10 and mobile devices, play multiplayer mini-games through servers*, and customize how you play with community content available through the in-game marketplace.
*Servers available via post-launch update at a later date
*Servers available via post-launch update at a later date
Q: When will this launch?
A: Minecraft for Nintendo Switch will launch on June 21st, 2018 both digitally and for the first time at retail. Both versions include the Super Mario Mash-Up Pack
Q: I already own Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition, how do I get this new version?
A: Players who already own Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition can download the new version of Minecraft free of charge. Either follow the prompts in-game to download or find it directly in the Nintendo eShop.
Q: Will DLC content I currently own transfer over to the new version of Minecraft?
A: All of the existing DLC content will be transferable from Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition to the new version of Minecraft.
Q: What’s a Microsoft Account and why do I need it for a Nintendo Switch?
A: A Microsoft Account is a free account you can sign-in on device that allows Minecraft players on Switch to play with others on non-Nintendo devices like iOS, Android, Xbox One and Windows 10 via cross-play, Realms or Servers. Having a Microsoft Account also enables the portability of your MINECOINS and marketplace purchases to other devices and platforms. For more information go here. To create an account go to https://aka.ms/accountsettings
Q: Now that I have a Microsoft account, how do I sign into it from my Nintendo Switch?
a. On the Minecraft game home screen, click “Sign in with a Microsoft account”
b. It’ll bring up a screen to go to: http://aka.ms/remoteconnect with a unique 8 digit code
c. Enter the URL on another device (PC or Mobile phone)
d. Follow the instructions on the website by entering the code and complete signing into your Microsoft account.
Q: How do I find my friends on their Microsoft account?
a. Now that you’ve signed into your Microsoft account, Click “Play” on the homescreen
b. Toggle to the right onto the “Friends” tab
c. Click the button to “Add Friend”
d. Find friends by entering their Microsoft Gamertag
Q: I keep entering my friend’s ID into Cross-Platform friends and can’t find them. Why?
Make sure you are entering your friend’s Gamertag correctly. Please note that you are only able to enter in a player ID for Microsoft’s Gamertag. Other player IDs from other platforms are not supported at this time.
Q: Do I need to pay a subscription fee like Xbox LIVE Gold to play online?
A: Online subscription fees are determined by the platform you play on, so an Xbox LIVE Gold subscription is not required for Nintendo Switch players but a Nintendo Switch Online subscription will be required for multiplayer when that service launches. A free Microsoft Account is recommended for players to get the most out of this version of Minecraft.
Q: What is Minecraft Marketplace?
A: The Minecraft Marketplace is what we call our Store which you can find in-game. For the first time, new character skins, textures, and worlds made by creators in the Minecraft community are coming to the in-game store for Minecraft Bedrock platforms. With Minecraft Marketplace, we've made it safer and easier to purchase community-made content for Minecraft. Buy content once while signed in with a Microsoft account and enjoy it on any supported device with no expiration.
Q: What are Minecoins?
A: Purchasable with real currency in the game store and eShop, Minecoins (Minecraft coins) let you buy content from creators in our Marketplace, safely and securely. Coins are kept in your virtual wallet and can also be used on Minecraft for mobile, Xbox One and Windows 10 if you have a Microsoft Account.
Q: Do my existing worlds transfer?
A: Yes, your existing worlds from Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition will convert over to the new version of Minecraft. There is currently no way to transfer worlds directly from Wii U, but it is something we are looking at for the future.
Q: How do I transfer existing worlds from “Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition” to “Minecraft”
A: In Minecraft (Bedrock Version):
- A button “Sync Old Worlds” on the bottom of the worlds list in the play menu will find any worlds on the device from the 4J Switch version and display them below the button.
- Select any of the newly found worlds to convert it to Bedrock edition
- After conversion the world will show up above the Sync Old Worlds button with the rest of your Bedrock worlds.
From Wii U Edition to Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition:
Make sure both Wii U and Switch are on the same Wi-Fi network and are connected to Nintendo Network
On Wii U:
- Select Play Game
- In your worlds list, hover over the world you want to transfer and hit X for Save Options
- Select “Transfer Save to Nintendo Switch” button on the bottom and hit ok on the popup that appears
- Transfer save progress bar should appear and will sit there while you perform the other half of the transfer on the Switch
On Switch:
- Select Play Game
- Hit Y to “Transfer Save from Wii U”
- Select Yes on the popup that appears
- Progress bar for Transfer Save should appear and start filling as the save data transfers between the consoles.
Q: How big are worlds in this version of Minecraft for Nintendo Switch?
A: World size is infinite in Minecraft for Nintendo Switch.
Q: I’m playing in a world that was transferred from the previous version, are there limitations on the size?
A: Transferring to Minecraft should change the world type to infinite, keeping the portions of the world from the 4J version the same, but generating new chunks outside of that area.
Q: Can I play Realms on this edition?
A: Yes, Realms is available on the Bedrock edition of Minecraft for Nintendo Switch. To play online on a Nintendo Switch, you need to have a Nintendo Switch Online subscription, so this is a requirement for playing on Realms. More information about Nintendo Switch Online can be found here.
Q: When will Switch get Update Aquatic?
A: Now! Just dive in. Pun intended.
Q: Access to included content
A: The Super Mario Mash-Up Pack is pre-installed with the game, to access the remaining content (Natural Texture Pack, Biome Settlers Skin Pack, Battle & Beasts Skin Pack, Campfire Tales Skin Pack) you can download from the in-game store.
Q: Can my friends on Xbox play the Super Mario Mash-Up?
A: No, the Super Mario Mash-Up is only playable by Nintendo Switch owners in single player, split screen, local network and over Nintendo Switch Online.
Q: How do I link my previous purchases on other Minecraft Bedrock versions to my Switch version?
A: Log into Minecraft and sign into your Microsoft account. All your content will sync automatically with other purchases you’ve made with other Bedrock versions.
Q: I own Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition and I’ve bought previous DLC. How do I get it to sync to Minecraft?
A: A. Log into Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition on your Nintendo Switch account. This will sync the latest purchases.
B. Log into the Minecraft on your Nintendo Switch and you’ll be automatically granted the entitlements for that DLC.
Note that every purchase you make for the previous version, you must first log into Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition, exit and then launch the new Bedrock version for purchases to sync. DLC purchased within Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition will only remain on your Nintendo Switch device and not be carried over to other devices.
Q: Will my copy of Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition go away? Do I have to use the new one?
A: Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition will no longer be available to purchase in the eShop but existing owners can continue to play and re-download if they desire.