Please submit all your bug reports at this link.
- Before you report a bug in any of our games, please perform a search first to see if someone has already contacted us about it to save yourself time and effort.
- If you find your bug, please add additional information that will help us reproduce this bug. We know if someone has filed a bug, they are probably not the only person (avoid "me too" replies) with this issue.
- If you are able to reproduce the bug using the steps listed, then it is helpful to say that you have tried them and can verify this is a good bug.
- Submit ONE issue per report please, it's easier for us to follow and manage!
- Please provide a (to the point) summary of your problem. Avoid one worded summaries and things like "help!!!".
- The description should contain details of the problem and how to reproduce it, so that we can more easily track down the problem and try to fix it. Bullet points and numbered lists are easier to follow than paragraphs.
- If you've discovered an exploit or a security issue, please create a Private report that only yourself and Mojang will be able to see.