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    While the idea of more animal species is fantastic, that functionality for them is too similar to axolotls, and they will not add anything that's too alike an existing feature.

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    Registered User commented
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    harp seals, live in frozen oceans (i feel the frozen ocean needs more life) can be tamed by fish, babies can be tamed too, if the baby is hurt it heals when it eats and if max hp, then the max hp and the seals size would grow, when adult it cannot grow anymore, i think it would function similar to wolves, but slow on land and fast in the water, they dont auto attack gaurdians and elder gaurdians, and any kind of fish, but puffer fish, by the way, note from a cumminity member here, but please dont ignore something because its unrealistic that mojang would ever add that, vote for ideas you like, not ideas you could see in game.