Since minecraft 1.8, tnt and fallingBlock entities (such as sand, gravel, anvils etc) get treated differently. Most people who make very high-tech cannons, which shoot both sand and tnt out to destroy walls from a great range, have never moved on from the 1.7.10 mechanics.
All we are asking is for fallingBlock to also be affected from the bottom of the entity, instead of its eyeHeight, that would bring back parity between those two types of entities, and it will break no current contraptions because only the cannoners shoot sand and tnt together across different axys.
Bringing this behavior back, which was removed as a side effect to do with how other entities get affected by tnt, would make all of us very happy and would allow the cannoning community to move on from a version that is now 7 years old.
It also just makes sense to make tnt and sand get affected the same way, the entities are exactly the same size after all
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