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Toggleable Chat Reporting on Java


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  • 83
    Registered User commented
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    I agree. I for one don't approve of Mojang moderating the chats on my servers and I will actively block their snooping no matter what lengths I have to go to.

  • 82
    Registered User commented
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    yes, mojang please HEAVILY consider this

  • 62
    Registered User commented
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    I'm hoping Mojang takes these into consideration, for both Java and Bedrock. I believe that these new moderation systems should be relegated to as an OPTIONAL choice for third party servers. Make it clear to the players of the server through something along the lines of a pop-up, one that directly informs you on how the server's moderation will be handled from then-on. By itself, this new moderation system should really only act as a Realms-exclusive tool; making more sense as it is a service provided by and managed directly by Mojang. All-in-all I hope that this future community feedback will go on to provide Mojang the incentive to maybe reconsider their system, or revamp it under fairer use. ex. Realms only tool.

  • 62
    Registered User commented
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    Yes please!
    I'd also suggest that it be automatically disabled for LAN worlds, since these are local-only anyways and you know who is going to be playing.

  • 50
    Registered User commented
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    I hope this entry receives more upvotes. There's been massive backlash against the report feature, but sadly not on the feedback site. Tweaking community guidelines in search of a compromise (something that seems to have already been done between snapshots) won't help; there's only one solution: an option to direct reports to the server owner instead, or to disable them completely.

    The reason is simple: Mojang or Microsoft shouldn't have a say in moderating private servers. Those servers are owned by and paid for by third parties; those parties are the ones to establish the rules. If a server owner decides that they need get help from external moderators to stay family friendly, then it should be their choice. If they decide to welcome "toxic" players or questionable discussions, then again, it should be their choice. Minecraft Java is one of the most customizable games in existence, so having control over one's playstyle is essential, and this includes online behavior.

    Mods that disable reporting have already started to appear; many server owners are pondering whether they'll stay on 1.18 or switch to offline mode. This has every chance to create a rift or become a technological arms race where Microsoft will be adding more technical limitations or updating the EULA, and the community will be coming up with new workarounds. No one needs such a resource sink and the hostility that'll come with it. Giving the server owners an option to disable these reports will fix the issue.

  • 20
    Registered User commented
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    It is absolutely disgusting that Microsoft can see what I'm typing in a private server.

  • 19
    Registered User commented
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    The main issue I can see is players mass reporting each other, especially on Anarchy servers, to keep the number of players on that server down without caring about how it affects the reported/banned player. This toggle has to be an option if only so that the microsoft employees don't get spammed by salty children and general miscreants purpously looking to get other people, including innocents, banned.

  • 18
    Registered User commented
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    I wouldn't want to play on a privately owned server and suddenly can't play online anymore.
    Adding a report system to a self governing game after 10 years feels unnecessary as well as a bad decision that will harm the game.
    If people can't play online then what was the point of the game being better together.

  • 16
    Registered User commented
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    Exactly but make it enabled as DEFAULT then people who know how it works and don’t want it can disable it while those who don’t know aren’t far enough to know what they are doing.

  • 16
    Registered User commented
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    The system they are trying to create is invasive and completely unreasonable. If you are on a private server there is absolute no reason that any company should be able to police what you say or do. Thay should be the work of the server hosters themselves. This is a massive overstep by microsoft/mojang and this toggle needs to be included 

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    As someone who has been playing Minecraft since 2011, I agree with this.  Servers implement their own rules, and punish people accordingly.  There is no reason to force private servers to use this system when it is not necessary.  I believe that unless a way to opt out is created, it will lead to numerous false bans of accounts that did nothing wrong.  I'm sure that in some instances the bans could be warranted, but I predict that this system will be used for more nefarious purposes if servers are unable to opt out of it.  At the end of the day, these are often private servers run by players with their own money, and Microsoft/Mojang should have no say in how they are run unless they violate the EULA (such as having pay to win features).

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    I think it needs to remain the same as it is now. Let servers deal with verbally abusive players. Microsoft needs to stick to the developmental side of things. Leave the management to the server admins. OR, don't allow <13 yr/Olds play online.

  • 14
    Registered User commented
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    If this doesn’t get fixed, some major problems are inevitably going to occur. Server owners should have control over what is/can be said in their server. Minecraft servers have been running completely fine without the need for this feature, so why add it now?

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    This is an excellent feature to prevent the abuse of this system in public servers. This deserves heavy consideration. 

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    It's disgusting that Mojang is reading my messages on my private server that I am paying money for and I can't even make my own rules now. I miss the times when i actually had some freedom and i could make my own rules on my own server. Mojang delete this reporting system.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    I am all in with this idea I even think we should allow server to self-declare an age rating AND let Mojang "check" for family-friendly servers. I'm also thinking that very small (like your private Minecraft server) AND very big servers (like Hypixel) should be able to moderate chat and player behaviours BY THEMSELVES.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    plz just don't add it

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    I’d rather not have chat reporting at all, but if they must add one, then making it toggleable would make the whole thing somewhat more tolerable. Then there could be parental controls to prevent an account from joining servers with the feature disabled.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    I love so much this idea

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    As someone who runs a server for a friend group that borders frequently on an ERP group, THIS. While i don't mind the reporting feature, it not taking any cues from the existing server moderatiors seems baffling to me.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Another cool idea I saw someone come up with would be the ability to chose whether a server is 10+ or 18+ with 18+ having the report system disabled.

    Basically the toggle but it would also take the responsibility off of Microsoft, cause their main concern definitely is that the game is rated 10+ and parents can take issue with Microsoft if their precious 11 year old Kevin goes on 2b2t and sees the n-word in chat. This way servers would have their own rating (maybe with a pop-up for 18+ to make sure you want to connect to them?) and it's up to the parent to make sure the child is sticking to what's appropriate for them. Maybe add parental control settings too, so the parents can fully disable connecting to 18+ servers?

    That being said I doubt Mojang will be able to do anything about it. This is clearly Microsoft's doing and considering Bedrock censors signs and world names in singleplayer, this is very likely the direction they're heading for Java as well. At this point we're better off proposing that Mojang buys itself back from Microsoft and gets at least Java edition, back.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    This should absolutely be an option per-server because on some private servers they don't care/have their own moderation. What happens on another server doesn't matter. Most likely enabled by default in "" but could be disabled easily by setting from true to false.

    This feature probably isn't going to go away even though a lot of people don't want it, so instead of adding the feature the way it currently stands, change it so that the community would actually like it, simply by enabling private servers who don't want to use it to not use it. It's as simple as that.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Please yes make it optional. Not every server is a kids server. Let players choose if they want these “safety” features because a LOT of people dont. Im on a server right now and everyone is complaining. The server has existed for 11 years just fine without a system like that. Also what if youre like the owner or something? Can you just be banned unable to play your own server? That would kill the server immediately. Also what about youtubers etc. wont they be reported hundrets of times daily? Please just make it optional. Maybe give a warning or let parents disable kids joining these servers but just make it optional. I neither want or need these safety features. Neither do the people i play with. You could give a warning before so nobody joins a server without knowing what he gets into if they dont use the chat regulation. That way nobody is harmed. If youre not ok with seeing stuff like that in chat you can avoid it and if you are you can play without moderation. Everyone is haply

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Agreed. Look what happened with MCAdmin. This can and will be abused to no end. Don't say it can't because people will find a way. They always do. You did not listen to feed back with the 1.9 combat update and now your making the same mistake. Servers will either use a plugin to disable the chat reporting or forever stay on 1.19 and not update to newer versions. A promise was made that nothing will change in the communities when migrating accounts to Microsoft and now Anarchy and PVP servers are under threat. Other servers are also under threat of losing their player base as people who fear failures of the system move to trusted private servers or single player. OR worse yet other games. Don't forget Hytale Is still going to be a thing a game that could see the death of minecraft.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    just to add on to this as another option,

    give server the option to "Allow banned players"  like another whitelist/black list that we already have.

    i would like to say i had a "good exerience" when dealing similar companies (Microsoft in perticular)  / game ban appeals for eample Fortnight, League of Legends, Runescape etc, most of which on my brothers in which i'm his legal gaurdian, where you could log a complaint / appeal and hear absolutely nothing regarding your case.

    all that the current system as is stands gain is to increase the amount of new accounts being created due to tickets being unresolved. while this is probably great from your perspective gaining additional sales. 

    in the long run it will only lead to a decline and popularity of the game as a whole. a few solutions are as follows.


    A) Scape the whole glodal MP ban (Which i doubt will happen) Or B) Allow servers in some way to overrule global banning

    as Examples

    1) a Server properity  eg. AllowBannedPlayers = "True"

     in which case a warning message would appear stating that the server is allowing banned accounts in some form

    2) as above as some sort of exemptions whitelist (as stated in the first paragapth that all games with this type of banning system face

    as a endnote, being part of number Minecraft communities which i won't name for obvious reasons. have all been talking about ideas / work arrounds as they see such system as undermining their Authority policing their own servers

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I hope this gets carid over to bedrock

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    While I do understand the good intent behind this, I do not understand (and don't agree with) enforcement of this system on everyone, regardless of their opinion. Personally, I wouldn't mind to see someone cursing (let me disable this filter and don't ban people over nothing maybe?) - but I do mind when you don't care about my and other players' opinion.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Yeah. Upon enabling this there will be TONS of unreasonable FALSE BANS

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Unfortunately, no matter what we the community believe is right or what we wish. There is nothing we are able to do as after the migration to the Microsoft account system. We are now being enforced under the Microsoft EULA instead of the Mojang one and under the Microsoft policy this will be enforced.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Mojang has heard plenty of feedback about this. It's plain and simple needless corporate bureaucracy. THEY DON'T CARE. I as a private server host will actively remove these features using mods, since mojang is actively removing my ability to moderate on MY SERVER, THAT I PAY FOR. If I ever had thought about a realms subscription, kiss that thought goodbye Mojang. As a matter of fact in response to this change I'm actively turning Mojang authentication off ENTIRELY on my server, instead opting to use a private IP-Whitelist. Microsoft does not get to tell my friends and I how we get to play a game we paid for. Push comes to shove, we will find an alternative sandbox game.