The recent 1.19 change that removed the ability to adjust your gamma above 100% on Java has me very sad. I've been playing the game for close to a decade at this point, and always struggled with eyestrain, motion sickness, and migraine headaches whenever I play, so play sessions had to be limited to 15-30 minutes so I didn't get sick. I only recently found out about adjusting gamma, tried it out on a whim and it revolutionized my ability to play. 2-3 hour sessions, and my first long-standing survival world. Now I'm back to where I started, so it feels very frustrating. This should be a deliberate feature that's *easier* to do from within the game (ideally within the options menu), not one that's removed.
Not to mention how much it helps Minecraft content creators with creating videos where it's easier for viewers even on small screens to see what's going on.
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