Come on. We all need this. there is gold, brown, purple and blue already! Why not just add more? A red one could have the same rarity as blue and a black and white one can be even rarer! Some people love axolotls but there are no different variants! If your favourite colours are red, black, or green... then this post is for you. Pls vote! (Sry if I got some colors wrong I have color weakness. Meaning: a partial inability to distinguish colors that are not so marked as color blindness.) <-- I am color whatever wekblahblah to: Purple, blue, green, brown, light green, yellow. I am not whatever thing to: Black, white, red, orange. Sooooo pls vote cuz reds my favourite color and I REALLY need this. You can maybe not listen to me cuz im just a ten year old that loves red but WHATEVER! PLLLLSSSS VVOVOOOOOOTTTTEEEEE! 💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎 uwuwuwuwuwuwu
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