Well. I think everything is understandable from the name, but I will explain. How about we transfer the cape from Bedrock edition to Java edition and vice versa?
As an example: I have a cape with Minecon Live 2019. But it is only available on Bedrock edition. But it looks cool and in general, since 2011, all the capes have been on the Java edition!
And then the migration of accounts happens. And then I thought, "Hey! Now I can configure the profile of different publications directly from one account! It would be possible to use the same cape on different publications!". Well, that's it. That's the whole idea. Just the ability to turn on the cape from one edition to another by simply clicking a couple of buttons in the profile settings in the launcher or on the website. And anyway, the capes look cool.
And I'm sorry if I somehow made a mistake in orthography, it's just that English is not my native language.
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