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TNT Explosions-XP Feedback (Snapshot 22w17a)


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  • 41
    Registered User commented
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    To me, it feels really counter-intuitive to the sculk block's design to only have them give xp with player interactions.  If a player needs to interact with the sculk blocks in order to get the experience, why would they not just sit at a farm swinging a sword instead?

  • 31
    Registered User commented
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    Player ignited tnt dropping xp from ore makes sense. You only should get xp from an ore if it’s a player activated mechanism. I don’t think this makes sense for the skulk block though. I think the skulk block should drop xp from all tnt and explosions(whether it be creeper, tnt dispenser, witherskull ect.) I believe this to be the case because skulk was added to be a way to get passive xp, so an alternative was added to replace the zombie piglin agro xp bug. If xp is given from any tnt explosion, then I believe the ecological niche of the zombie piglin bug can be patched out without backlash, due to this intentional feature. Without this, then the skulk has no use. There is no reason to farm skulk other than for decoration. It’s impractical to store xp if a player has to come along and harvest it, and people will just go back to using auto clickers on regular mob farms(which autoclickers are third party, so should not be treated as something every player should do). Due to the low amount of xp in a skulk block, and the durability used for each block broken, the xp gain will not be worth it due to mending taking up most of the xp. The reason for this skulk change could be so players don’t tnt dupe, however if renewable sand and movable block entities are added, then tnt duping doesn’t need to exist either

    TLDR: if skulk doesn’t drop xp from any explosion, then it is useless as a form of storing xp, and filling the niche of a passive xp farm with no player input.

  • 21
    Registered User commented
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    i have not tested how much xp you get from blowing it up but it should also drop xp when exploded by tnt activated by redstone otherwise you need an autoclicker anyways to be able to afk it.

    Also i suggest at least doubling the xp from sculk blocks since they barely give any and are supposed to replace piglin xp farms

  • 19
    Registered User commented
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    Not happy cus u cannot farm xp

  • 16
    Registered User commented
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    Like killing mobs, the xp from ores is a reward for the player so it should only be given when collected by the player we agree with that.
    But skulk blocks aren't a reward, it isn't an achievement to find them, its "made of" xp, so it should always drop it like a block always drop its item.

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    It's make sculk exp storing almost usless so all of it's mechanic will be usless for most long time players. 

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    Skulk should always drop XP when blown up by TNT, not just by player interacted TNT. If skulk farms are supposed to be a replacement for the currently very overpowered AFK Zombified Piglin farms, then what’s the point if you can’t even AFK farm with skulk?

    As it stands, skulk is a much more balanced and interesting method to AFK XP farms. You can take multiple approaches. A more casual approach such as a small skulk setup attached to a chicken farm for small passive XP gain. Or you can go all out with a giant enderman farm setup for an awesome contraption to funnel you tons of XP while you are AFK.

    Even with TNT duping being as it currently is, allowing all explosions to drop XP is still far more balanced and interesting than Zombified Piglin farms ever were (and TNT duping is only a consideration until renewable sand and movable tile entities anyway).

    I think ultimately XP only coming from player ignited TNT doesn’t practically have any real effect on the game, especially in the context of AFK farming. However, I always appreciate all the time and effort that is put into continually improving this game over the years. I hope that in the future we end up with a fun and interesting way to utilize skulk for XP farming. Keep up everything that you all do and thank you for taking to time to read my thoughts!

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    I think all TNT should cause XP to drop. At the very least, TNT lit by redstone should make ores/sculk drop XP.

    If the concern is TNT duping—players who would do this on a large scale are already pushing the game to its limits. They don't need this, but you remove a fun challenge by denying the possibility.

    If the concern is it makes XP too easy to get—why? XP only has a couple uses anyway. Players who are storing vast amounts of XP in sculk could probably get tons of XP some other way (enderman farm, for example). XP doesn't have a lot of value in the late game anyway. 

    I see this change as positive but still very limiting and stingy. The amount of XP in sculk or ores is not very high. It feels like a useless, arbitrary rule about XP mining meant to address a problem that isn't there.

    I can't see the value in making a distinction between player and non-player ignition here. Either way, you've got exploding TNT—who cares how the fuse was lit? It's an artificial distinction that only the wiki could explain, which isn't a great design outcome. 

    That's my opinion! 

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    I would like a 100% drop from bedrock tnt explosion. Please

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Criticism- any TNT, not just the one's players lit, should drop XP from skulk blocks.. or else there's literally no point in using skulk

    also P.S- as ilmango said, TNT exploit should be fixed and sand should be made renewable to make everything balanced, which will also promote the use of TNT for mining potentially.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I like this change for the most part, but I don’t necessarily see a reason for it to not be any tnt in general. Even with tnt duping I wouldn’t say it’s very overpowered.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I don't think that experience should drop only with player lit tnt. Currently even the fastest xp farm using the new sculk blocks are capped at around 72,000xp per hour and potential lag caused by xp from machines like Tunnel bores shouldnt be an issue either. I do like the move towards the xp dropping from blocks when blown up, but I think it should change a little.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    i thought the whole idea of sculk blocks storing xp was to replace passive xp from zombie pigman farms as this was an exploit, player lighting tnt is not passive or automatic, however its triggered tnt should drop the xp, regardless of players who dupe tnt, I don't, I use a dispenser, redstone is player made, this should be reverted in my opinion 

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I think all TNT should drop XP. I understand that you don't want TNT-duping to be abused even more, but on the other hand I just don't get, why you don't just fix it and add renewable sand and movable tile entities.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I think it is a great change but in my opinion I think that any explosion (player caused or not) should be able to drop xp 

    Even though this would lead to TNT duping for auto xp but once TNT duping is removed eventually this problem wont matter anymore 

    (plus isn't sculk supposed to replace afk gold farms?)

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Although I don’t personally do complicated redstone, I understand that this may majorly affect the ability of sculk-based automatic farms to operate. As the implementation of sculk could allow for the first fully-automatic collection of XP, I believe that the proposed change should not be implemented.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Hello, I think everyone knows how to solve the problem.  Mango said it in his last vid.  Make sand renewable in a cool new mechanic not just a drop from a mob please.  maybe sift coarse dirt to get gravel and sand back?  Explosion from end crystals when blown up around a new type of block/blocks creates sand?  But dispensed TNT needs to drop EXP!  You have to craft TNT that's the player interaction, Common!  who cares if you light it or not.  Don't be lazy and fix TNT duping.  Moveable dispensers and droppers would solve the dupe problem but I would like to see a new mechanic for world eaters.  C4 that could be crafted like TNT but works like sand.  No lighting just place fall drop and when it hits something, BANG!  or if a piston pushes blocks into it BANG!  5 block range,  so a movable stone generator could be moving and pressing the C4 block to explode!  Thanks Craig  P.S. keep up the fantastic work sorry if I was too tough.       

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    For ores I think it's fine but it severely limits the use of sculk, like, if we can't automatically break sculk blocks into exp what's the point of sculk storing it in the first place?

    I know that Wither's explosions can still give break sculk into exp but the player shouldn't have to rely on trapping the Wither for this.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Creating a system to store not only XP within sculk, but also the sculk itself is not a negligible endeavor. If that system also requires player interaction it's almost useless, and I as a player would much rather just pick up XP if it means running a whole different farm to recollect the XP I found.

    I'm not too sure about the lore aspect of the block, but to me it makes sense that a block that has become so infected with XP to the point where it's an entirely different block would drop XP whether broken by the player or not.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    The problem with this change is that it basically says that TNT duping is totally OK, except when it's used for automatic XP farming, which we already have anyway in the form of Pigmen farms, so it makes no sense to even put the restriction there in the first place. What should really happen is that TNT duping should be fixed, and we should get movable dispensers and droppers.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    While redstone can be autonomous, it is also the result of direct player action. So in my opinion redstone activated TNT should yeild XP drops.

    If the reason for not including this is balance then I am unsure if the feature should be included at all. Redstone can still be easily used to automate the player action with the only difference being the complexity required.

    I personally think that allowing TNT explosions to drop XP is an excellent change however I can see no practical reason why it should be limited by player interaction.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I am fine with player-lit TNT to drop experience for ores. It works for gameplay without benefitting auto-miners. XP in ore is a gameplay method to level up and hardly carried in lore.

    However, I feel as if any explosion (non-player lit TNT, ghast fireball, end crystal, respawn anchor, bed in nether, creeper explosion, withers) should cause sculk drop XP. Sculk carries the XP whenever there is death, whether or not it was player caused, and isn't JUST tied to mechanics to help the player get levels.

    If we are meant to AFK through the farm (since I imagine this may replace AFK zombie piglin farms mechanics), why do we need an auto-clicker? I dislike the forced use of auto clickers as they are outside resource to properly AFK. Also, to set up this farm we go through all this work to set up a stone generator, piston pushing, auto clicking hoe or light TNT, etc., when we could also just set the auto clicker to swing the sword to kill the mobs for XP. Restricting XP drop on sculk to player-placed TNT is pointless and I hope it is expanded.  Besides, it would be annoying if I do kill a mob with my sword, get no XP as it stores itself as sculk, but then perma lose my XP because I didn't know the TNT in dispenser wouldn't drop my XP.


    Also I suggest adding it to all explosions giving XP, not just TNT, since I imagine TNT dupers will be patched out one day, so it'll be nice to have more fun and creative ways to harvest the XP like ghasts and creepers.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I think that the amount it should drop the same amount, but also, the tnt should be able to be activated with redstone or dispensers. There is nearly no point in using Flint and steel on it. It's weird to give it that limitation I'd say.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    In my opinion what needs to happen is,

    1 renewable sand to be able to get loads of TNT easily.

    2 moveable block entities to eliminated TNT dupers. this is also why we need renewable sand cause without this there will only be a limited number of TNT in a given world.

    3 then allow all TNT to be able to blow up blocks to get xp. this way you will eliminate the piglin farms and we can use the skulkblocks without having to have an auto-clicker.


  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I think that all TNT explosions should cause experience to drop from broken blocks. The reason being is that a player in-game won't recognize that there's a difference between player-ignited and redstone ignited TNT. If there's no in game way to distinguish the two, there shouldn't be a difference in the behavior of the explosion.


    The issue of TNT duping does come into play a bit here too. It might be a good time to fix that issue as it continues to be a major problem for game balance and duped TNT dropping xp would just add more to the broken nature of that mechanic.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    cases where you should drop xp:

    -tnt on lit with lighter

    -tnt dropped by dispenser

    -creeper lit

    -end crystal explosion

    -ghast projectile explosion

    -wither explosions

    cases where you shouldn't drop xp:

    -tnt on with redstone block (to optimize the creation of perimeters and nerf tnt duping)

    -natural creeper explosion

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    No matter how it's exploded, it should drop experience.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    This doesn't make a lot of sense unless sculk blocks start dropping *a lot* more experience. An enderman farm still seems like the better solution for getting experience.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I don't think it's necessary, why can't players have a xp shower from a sculk farm? Also if tnt didn't destroy xp you would need to modify world eaters to allow you to gain xp and not just blow it up.

    Also it would be nice if there was a proper solution to tnt duping, like a way to do it without the glitch. 

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I definitely think that tnt dropped by dispensers or powered by redstone
    should also drop experience from blocks as well. In the current snapshot it only works with directly lit tnt but it’d be a nice change if say a Minecraft bedrock edition tunnel bore could also collect experience for the player as well, without it being lost in the process.