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Allay Feedback [Bedrock Beta]


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  • 42
    Registered User commented
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    Each allay needs to be connected to a specific note depicted but the color of the allay. So we can have more control.

  • 37
    Registered User commented
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    Improve pathing logic so that it atleast tries to avoid danger blocks and only goes by those if no other option is available to it. Allays flying into fire and magma blocks only to die without leaving the item it held is no fun.

  • 27
    Registered User commented
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    The Allay should be a reward after finishing a raid in normal or hard.

  • 26
    Registered User commented
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    The allay should dump all of its inventory when it gets to the noteblock and not get distracted by items. Current behaviour makes it so that it only drops off a single item and then flies off to pick up another single item and drop that off. If there are no other blocks to be picked up, it will drop off the entire stack of items it has on it.

  • 25
    Registered User commented
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    I would like the allay to move more slowly until the player gives it an item because it is difficult to click even for someone who plays on pc.

  • 24
    Registered User commented
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    Only thing I'd want is changed model, I think that 8x8 head would look way better than 5x5 one, most people thought that's what it was gonna be like too

  • 19
    Registered User commented
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    From the little time I had the allay I can tell you they're a really fun (especially the throwing of items) mob with a bit of complications like:

    -no sound for them

    -too speedy

    -they behave like 1.15 bees (going far away for whatever reason)

    And the biggest sin by far is the fact that they don't react to music.

    I know some of these will eventually change (no pressure there) and they'll be even more fun to use, godspeed devs.

  • 19
    Registered User commented
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    Add another item that calls/lure the Allay allowing to easily give items to them, this Item could be only obtain from Outposts or Mansions

  • 16
    Registered User commented
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    I think the Allay should look more similar to the Vex, have similar proportions and the same texture size to maintain consistency with the Minecraft art style.

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    I don't think they should only spawn on structure creation, this causes a weird scarcity for a niche sorting utility mob. I think they should naturally spawn over time in woodland mansion strucutres, even if very slowly (the same speed passive mobs respawn over time), just so on public servers it would be possible to get more if they all run out. They should be breedable as well, maybe with cookies?

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    Breed Allays with cookies

  • 14
    Registered User commented
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    -I've been using the allay indoors seeing how it adds life to a sorting system
    -I think the idea of the allays being captured by the pillagers is awesome
    -I think the way the allay follows the player and picks up items works well
    -I understand the allay noteblock interactions the but why is it limited at 30 seconds? Wouldn't it make more sense to lock the allay to said noteblock rather than having to reconnect them every time?

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    I think they need a specific item initially to properly tame them. In relation, I think the Allays should be slower when untamed/idling so that it would be easier to catch and assign an item to them. 

    I also think they should be able to have leads used on them.

    I suggest that they do cheery actions/sound effects when they assign a favorite noteblock to indicate that they indeed chosen that block.

    In relation, I think noteblock favoritism time limit should last longer and that they also get affection towards jukeboxes as well, and are assigned to them much longer compared to noteblocks (maybe until the current song ends).

    Their bobble head is phenomenal btw I'm glad they aren't just retextured vexes.
    Tough I still think their texture should be tweaked like how the Phantom was when it was still in production. But keep the bobble head. Please. 

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    The allay needs to stay connected to its note block and have a way for it to stay in one area rather than follow the player all the time.

    Also need a way to breed it and/or more spawning areas.

    They catch fire too easily from being near fire or lava.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    Make the Allay be attached to the noteblock until the note is changed rather than defaulting to the player over time. Or make the timer much longer.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Had an issue where I had 3 allays summoned, went through a portal and those three allays despawned rather than follow me through. 

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    The Allay should return to the nearest active music note, and then wait for the item to be taken for around 5 to 10 seconds before it runs off again.  It is tricky to use, and the Allay does nothing else.  I also noticed no connections or summoning abilities.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Give allays the ability to collect only 1 specific enchantment book not any random ones , maybe it could be an option collect any type or collect one enchantment type

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I felt after trying to use it in a way I would normally play, that it'd be better if the allay could be connected with a note block for longer than 30 seconds, preferably indefinitely. I also thought that it would be nice to have a way to separate the note blocks from each allay if you have several. One way the community seems adamant about is connecting an allay to a specific note, any way would be fine but i think it would be a simple way that players like myself could like.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    Biggest issue noticed straight away, the hitboxes are either a weird shape or very big, i've already killed several by accident when trying to break a block, and it shouldn't have touched them. That and they also tend to fly infront of the player when dropping items, meaning once again accidently killing them. There probably more about pathfinding for now but currently this is the first big issue i've seen.

    Edit: this also means they are a pain to take mining as they will fly infront of you while mining, resetting your progress. taking them to pick up blocks when mining was a selling point many people were talking about in the FAN community, not a point the devs said would be in game. if this not meant to be in the game then should be fineish, but if it is then this needs to very much so be fixed.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    A way for renewable allay it can be hard or easy just don’t make it make other allay spawn points useless

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    The search range seems very limited below a player. In creative mode and flying just a few blocks above the noteblock in Y-level difference and it cant seem to path to it to drop off items or even pick up items from below the player (i.e. a player accidentally drops items or picking up items from an ongoing build)

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Putting Allays in the heretofore empty 'prison' rooms in already established structures is both brilliant and also intriguing in the potential doors it opens for utilizing other pre-established structures/places for new purposes.  For example, I feel the Stronghold is long overdue for a 'facelift' and wouldn't is just be awesome if we got some Stronghold unique mobs to populate it in a not so distant future (naturally would couple with an End Update, just saying...), and if among those mobs one of them was a new passive/helper mob (cooper golem shall rise again, anyone?) generating in the Stronghold prisons?

    Allays should also be breedable to maximize their potential use in/for farming (they're still a quest to obtain initially if they're kept to only naturally spawning in a few specific structures), and if so I think the proposal I saw for cookies is delightful and also give cookies and their ingredients more value and function.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Please, don’t make the noteblock only work for 30s.

    personally, it makes the allay significantly less useful. It’s already hard as it is making them be in one spot to do collecting, but making it time based is stupid. Personally it should atleast be 5 mins, OR indefinitely.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Here is a list of things I feel the Allay is currently missing.

    My list consists of mainly expression/adding more life to the Allay. I think the allay feels very lifeless lacking this list of things.

    Thing 1: Dancing

    In the Minecraft Mob Vote 2021, the Allay was displayed to dance when dropping off items at a noteblock.

    Thing 2: Sounds

    This one is almost definitely coming, but felt I would mention it anyways. They were displayed in the Mob Vote 2021, so I am not too worried.

    Thing 3: Different expressions / Custom dropping animation

    Also displayed in the Minecraft Mob Vote 2021, The allay would smile when dropping items. Without this, it feels quite lifeless. The Allay also does not have an animation for dropping items. I feel like this would be helpful for adding character to the mob.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Ability to click on a chest/barrel and the Allay will search for items that are within.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Add a outpost map to the cartographer trades to allow find more Allay if they cant be breed.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Interaction with the Allay is awesome and i love the specific spawning mechanic to the structures. I would love to see the Allay have some interaction with Jukeboxes as well so then you dont have to make constant spamming noteblock builds thay can slow the performance of the game. Also having allays dance to the Jukebox music would be fun too. Still very early progress abd possibly improve the visual of the Allay to be more transparent. But i love it so far. Also they get stuck in iron doors very easily which could be a bug

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    It would be really useful to more complex sorting if the allay can be set to a certain note each by interacting to create different channels of item flow.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    If vex/allay parallel is to be kept, it would be nice if you could turn allay into vex by striking it with lightning (keeping the summoned vex as completely hostile to player, of course)